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Modi's Plane Was Only 55 Mins Behind Malaysian Flight On Same Path


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A very shocking incident took place yesterday when a Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine. However, the incident gets shrouded in thick conspiracy once we know that Modi's flight from Frankfurt was barely an hour behind the ill fated plane on the exact same route!

Modi's flight had taken off well before the incident and had the Ukrainians delayed their aggressive action, it could've been a different flight and a different story. His flight was rerouted only after MH17 was shot down with a surface to air missile. 

It's not a secret that India has many enemies both inside and outside.
The recent BRICS summit, although underplayed by our media, can prove to be a landmark in the international geopolitics by challenging the hegemony of certain countries in the world economy. 
The OIC has also been miffed over India's supportive stance over Israel. Naming any particular state will not be prudent over a perceived conspiracy. Why, even the anti-national lobbies inside our nation have strong connections with various hostile forces outside. people who've been left insecure about their future since the advent of BJP govt.
Reasons could be many.. known or lesser known and though Ukraine is not a hostile nation, the possibility of a sabotage against India can't be ruled out - must not be ruled out.

It's time our security agencies took a serious look over these troubled waters and ensure no such incident becomes an excuse of catastrophe for our nation.

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