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 Unfortunately, the official response remains focused on the visible part of people drinking problem with alcohol dependence (about 4% of the adult male population) rather than on the emerging crisis because of the dangerous consumption more than 20% of the adult population. This is reflected in the approach of the fight against alcohol policies at federal and state level. The focus is exclusively on supply reduction (prohibition centered) and tertiary prevention.


Indices Any attempt by state governments to make a bad use by pre-vent the ban was hastily reversed in the mounting face revenue shortfalls, the cost of maintaining order smuggling from neighboring states and underground alcohol resulting savings, despite evidence of a decrease in consumption and improving the economic well-being (personal communication, Excise Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh). In fact, most state governments have publicly retracted the official commitment to the ban, even if it is in the Constitution. Raising taxes has been used in other countries to reduce consumption.


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