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[quote name='Arrjun' timestamp='1365551785' post='1303574037']
Janala bhayam tho adukuntunnaru kada..
konchem thadu ni lepandi baa

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[b][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="3"]Topic: Don't get cheated - Someone call and saying from USCIS [/size][/font][/b] [b]Posted By: [/b] [url="http://www.desibloom.com/userprofile.php?id=DB104908"][size="2"][color="#000000"]Srinivas p[/color][/size][/url] 2013-04-09
It happened to my friend this week and lost 850 Dollars by transferring money to fake USCIS. Please be careful About call from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. He will not even allow you to cut the call.We don’t know how they got all our information. I want to share this information with you.
I don’t want you to lose money like my friend.

Here is the scam:
Someone calls the resource and claims to be from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

They want to discuss a case filed against the resource by the American High Commission in New Delhi, India. There are issues with their visa, their immigration status is not valid, and they are now an illegal resident in United States.

You will be offered the following choices:
1. Deportation officers will be coming within 24-48 hours to take you away
2. You can take first flight back to India and pay a penalty at the U.S Consulate

They will then offer to help. You will be told you can solve this problem if you go to Western Union and send a penalty fee immediately. You will be told not to hang up the phone at any time, do not put the phone on mute or hold even if driving.

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[quote name='accuman' timestamp='1365552094' post='1303574068']

[b] USCIS Telephone Scam Alert[/b]
November 6, 2012[/size][/color][color=#000000][size=3]
The United Sates Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a warning on October 22, 2012 advising of a telephone scam intended to victimize foreign nationals. According to the USCIS, scammers posing as USCIS employees have been contacting individuals by telephone and aggressively pushing them to sign up for a fictitious USCIS training course.[/size][/color]
[b] Scammers Seek Financial Information Over the Phone[/b]
The scammers claim that the training course is led by government officials. If they manage to get the victim to agree to sign up for the course, they seek financial information, such as credit card and bank account details. The USCIS wishes to alert potential victims to this scam and assure them that the USCIS [b]never[/b] calls to request payment for services via telephone and [b]does not[/b] engage in telemarketing.[/size][/color]

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