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Photo Information

  1. IPTC.Caption VANCOUVER BC- STATUE OF JUSTICE at the law courts. Mark van Manen/Vancouver Sun. [PNG Merlin Archive]
  2. IPTC.CaptionWriter m.v.m.
  3. IPTC.Headline >For every $1 spent on legal aid, the savings can range from $1.60 to $30.
  4. IPTC.ActionAdvised City-
  5. IPTC.By-line Mark van Manen
  6. IPTC.By-LineTitle From Archive
  7. IPTC.Credit Vancouver Sun
  8. IPTC.Source SUN
  9. IPTC.ObjectName statue.jpg
  10. IPTC.DateCreated 19990629
  11. IPTC.City Vancouver
  12. IPTC.State B.C.
  13. IPTC.Country From Archive
  14. IPTC.Category N
  15. IPTC.SupplementalCategories 10/15/11 A10
  16. IPTC.Keywords SCULPTURE
  17. 2#130
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