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Software Behind ‘Best Visual Effects’ Academy Award Nominee S


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PRD 2B PART oF IT......


[b] Rise of the Planet of the Apes[/b]

Pre-visualization work for Rise of the Planet of the Apes was done in [i][b][color=#ff0000]Canada by Image Engine and the groundbreaking visual effects were created by Weta Digital in New Zealand. Both visual effects studios used Autodesk Maya at the core of their creative pipelines – [/color][/b][/i]Weta’s use of performance capture technology as well as its systems to create hair, eye and muscles helped create an extremely detailed, believable and realistic CG main character in Andy Serkis’s chimpanzee.


[b] Transformers: Dark of the Moon[/b]

Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon’s lead visual effects houses[i][b][color=#ff0000] ILM and Digital Domain used sophisticated animation techniques to humanize the transformer robots and display emotion through detailed facial animation. Lucasfilm Animation in Singapore also created 235 shots in stereoscopic 3D using Autodesk’s Digital Entertainment Creation software.[/color][/b][/i]


[b] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2[/b]

For the final installment of the Harry Potter franchise (and the first in 3D), UK-based visual effects houses Double Negative and MPC created an array of visual effects using a[i][color=#ff0000][b] combination of Autodesk Maya, for animation[/b][/color][/i] and [color=#ff0000][i][b]pre-visualization and Autodesk Mudbox for digital modeling.[/b][/i][/color]


A lushly art-directed blend of detailed sets, miniatures, matte paintings and computer-generated visual effects all aiming to evoke the look of a 1930’s Paris film set, HUGO is a love letter to classic cinema and cinema history. Pixomondo, the lead visual effects studio, worked for over one year [color=#ff0000][i][b][size=5]to create around 800 shots using a number of Autodesk tools, including 3ds Max, Maya and MotionBuilder.[/size][/b][/i][/color]


[b] Real Steel[/b]

Two main visual effects houses, Giant Studios (for pre-visualization) and Digital Domain (for the visual effects and animation work) [color=#ff0000][i][b]collaborated on Real Steel and shared a toolset that relied upon Autodesk Maya and MotionBuilder to create realistic and thrilling action, and a believable and captivating robot-human relationship.[/b][/i][/color]


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