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I am calm composed and bit thought processed as well, however I have noticed a increasing problem rather becoming dangerous in myself lately, just wondering if any of you guys experienced same or can direct me towards achieving some sort positivity.
When I talk to some of my colleagues @ work I am failing to express my ideas, i.e. for example if I talk to an Indian I will have thread running in my mind which executes thought process so I am fine with Indian, but when I talk to a foreigner (mostly white) my mind just goes blank ! I become a follower.
I know it's due to lack of confidence interacting with them, but failed to find ways to improve it.
Any of you's dealt or overcame the same problem symptom ?

Since very long (childhood) I have a problem within me I cannot give my best when I am asked to provide results/answers for a problem immediately, I always take time to think plan and execute but in this day & age it's proving very costly. I would like to start improvising , it would be really nice if you can shed some tips to improvise it as well please

Also lately I am thinking to develop my interest in reading books ,I would be really thankful if you can advice me 1 great book that you've read preferably in personality development .

Thanks for your time

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Mostly I think, you don't know how to bring a topic to the table. Try to watch and understand american football, Baseball. These guys are big fans of outdoor games. Support home team. If you are in NY, Support Yankees (I am not a big follower). Talk about weather, parties you have been to and weekend travel plans. Even though nothing happened last weekend, try to bring a story with real events. Don't be too high as some of them may be aware what you are talking about.

Try to understand, what they are interested in and what they are talking about. Bring those topics when you are talking to them next day. prepare yourself and make yourself ready next day.

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