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!15/11/89 Where It Has Began 15/11/13 Is Where It Ended !


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BACKFOOT DEFENCE: There is beauty in attack, but a smart batsman knows how to respect a good delivery. Watch how this Indian from Mumbai, positions himself behind the ball, presenting the full face of the bat. The bottom hand stays firm, just like the man’s resolve. Keen eyes watching the ball till the last moment. Lucky bowler
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He acknowledged the 'Guard of Honour' from the West Indian cricketers, shook hands with rival captain Darren Sammy and umpire Nigel Llong and did what no one ever saw him do during a match. He touched the 22-yard strip which has given him everything and sought its blessings, as mother Rajni Tendulkar, immediate family members and Achrekar watched from President's Box

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