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Balakrishna to film action scenes in Hyderabad


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The yet-to-be-titled film starring Balakrishna and Priyamani as the lead pair has moved to Hyderabad canning action sequences in the city. The film introduces Mahadev (an earlier associate of Rajamouli) as director. Sivalenka Krishna Prasad who made 'Adithya 369' and 'Vamshanikokkadu' is producing this big budget film on the Vaishnav Cinema banner.

A schedule was recently completed in the surrounding places of the Godavari River. The unit is expected to canning action sequences in many locales of Hyderabad from the 18th of this month and is expected to continue till the 23rd.

The final schedule will happen in Hyderabad starting from the 7th of February. Four songs and a talkie portion have been finished till date. Two more songs and the remaining talkie portion have to be completed.

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