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Someone asked my response on few personal comments made by Ali and few silly attempts made by 3 anchors through youtube videos to defend vulgarity.
Here !

-Ali, as long as you make disrespectful comments about people, you will prove again and again that you are a pervert and a creep. 
So, good job being a pest even kids and teenage girls are scared of ! 
And, from the way you enjoy talking about people's sex lives and sex in general and the faces you make while talking about it, I am pretty sure you need to be fixed ! Pronto !!

-And as far as anchors who felt the need to butter him up by laughing at his senseless comments and in return, thought they could lecture me about women's respect, LOL.
I really pity you and your lives where you have to defend a pervert to prove your point or for some other reason which god knows !
(Much needed Hint : Google, "self-respect" )

-About speaking of doing it for publicity, you are very welcome you guys smile emoticon 
Anchor Ravi, is it? You said you have been trying to ybecome famous for a while now. Glad I helped. 
And if you still didn't understand why you are not famous in spite of your filthy behavior, why don't you try being successful first?? 
Anyway, people respect and understand me better after you opened your mouth. You are a living example of what I was talking about.

-Who knew anchors and entire Tollywood is really really happy the way it is and anyone who can't act, the audience who are basically the consumers of your product have no right to, what did she say, disturb them, is it??? 
I can't stop laughing. 

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