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Modi govt cheated Hindu people after coming to power, feel many at All India Hindu Convention


While defining a path of so called 'Hindu Rashtra' at the 6th All India Hindu Convention in Ponda, many speakers at the convention expressed their anger over Modi's false pre-election promises made to the masses.

"Modi govt came in power in 2014 but till now they have not taken any initiative to build Ram Temple. Which show that they are interested in power and not in concept of Hindu Rashtra. Hindus across India feel betrayed," said Abhay Varatak, spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha.

Members of Hindu organisations were expecting that Modi govt will solve the J&K and Kashmiri Pandit issues, but they feel disappointed after BJP joined hands with PDP in J&K just to acquire power and nothing else.


The central theme of this convention is to draw the blueprint of 'Hindurashtra'.

For next two days, different delegates will discuss other aspects which will help to built Hindu rashtra in India by 2023. But, one question which remains unanswered, why do they require Hindu Rashtra? Is there any need of Hindu Rashtra?

Speaking to media, Shadhavi Saraswati from Madhya Pradesh said, "We don't have anything against anyone in mind and not plotting anything against any religion or anyone. We are just demanding Hindu rashtra for Hindus. As partition of our country happened on the basis of religion only."  

To built Hindu nation, Sadhavi asked Hindus to take up arms for 'Dharmaraksha' and doing that is not wrong.

Participating in the convention, many Hindu organisations feel that Hindu culture is in danger and to save Hindu culture there is a need of Hindu Rashtra.

"I don't feel this is our govt , when our Gaoumata are safe and Ram Temple gets build that time I will say this is Hindurashtra. In the concept of Hindurashtra, there is no space for other religions. For us religion is first and then Constitution. They should be sent back or else, we will take arms in hands to save our religion from them," added Sadhavi Saraswati.



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