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Why anti-gun laws are stupid.


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9/11 1973 coup of democratically elected socialist govt, lead by Salvador Allende in Chile, by vile US president Nixon and CIA, and chilean military (to you only @Quickgun_murugan you apologist) offers us some insight into why taking away guns from the public can be a bad idea.


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After months of threatening violence, the right wing (anti democratic) forces in Chile, guilt tripped the president Allende into passing anti-gun laws, and took weapons away from most of his supporters just out of goodwill.. and on 9/11 Chilean military itself turned against its govt, suspended the popularly elected govt, arrested all left wing movement leaders, and put in place a dictatorship.

Allende, the popular socialist president was too naive to trust right wing people, and their intentions in a democracy. 

Right wing leaders, and their apologists (like in this db) don't care about democractic process. They want power, and want to impose their will on the majority. Simple.


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republicans against gun laws for the lamest reasons possible. to help gun manufacturers.

republicans have already proven they have no soul, no morals, and that they are the most disgusting piece of scum on earth.

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4 minutes ago, chittimallu2 said:

Do you watch/follow "Change my mind" video series by Steven Crowder?

I have heard of that name. I think he's a gun supporting right winger, in a country where majority of gun owners are right wingers, and a potential fascist will certainly be from a right wing party - no doubt.


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2 minutes ago, uttermost said:

I have heard of that name. I think he's a gun supporting right winger, in a country where majority of gun owners are right wingers, and a potential fascist will certainly be from a right wing party - no doubt.


ya vadi videos choodu... i think he is a canadian and he is a right winger... he has done one on gun laws too



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7 minutes ago, chittimallu2 said:

Do you watch/follow "Change my mind" video series by Steven Crowder?

Steven Crowder is the guy with Joe Rogan? I don't know. may be he's not a gun nut.

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1 minute ago, chittimallu2 said:

ya vadi videos choodu... i think he is a canadian and he is a right winger... he has done one on gun laws too

Too long. I already know what he's gonna tell. That social justice warriors want to emasculate him, and install bunch of wimps in the govt. blah.. blah. a cursory glance at his wiki is funny.. it looks like he's a proponent of sexual abstinence before marriage. That's a huge red flag for me.

The truth is the potential fascist in all countries will almost certainly be from the right wing. Right wingers fighting for gun rights is not to fight the govt, but to suppress the rights of minorities. 

There are almost no instances in the western world where right winger protests are suppressed by police with fire or even force. These guys are just dishonest hacks.


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11 minutes ago, uttermost said:

Too long. I already know what he's gonna tell. That social justice warriors want to emasculate him, and install bunch of wimps in the govt. blah.. blah. a cursory glance at his wiki is funny.. it looks like he's a proponent of sexual abstinence before marriage. That's a huge red flag for me.

 The truth is the potential fascist in all countries will almost certainly be from the right wing. Right wingers fighting for gun rights is not to fight the govt, but to suppress the rights of minorities. 

 There are almost no instances in the western world where right winger protests are suppressed by police with fire or even force. These guys are just dishonest hacks.



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2 minutes ago, chittimallu2 said:


By fighting for the right to carry guns, and then put in laws that disallow minorities to carry it. Say they need this id, that id. Most blacks who own guns are in urban areas.

ofcourse some minorities (like Indians) will be coopted because they are servile to power, but others will be targeted.

Gun ownership in the US - 50% of Whites own a gun or have someone in the house use it.. 30% of Blacks, Latinos 20%


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4 minutes ago, uttermost said:

By fighting for the right to carry guns, and then put in laws that disallow minorities to carry it. Say they need this id, that id. Most blacks who own guns are in urban areas.

 ofcourse some minorities (like Indians) will be coopted because they are servile to power, but others will be targeted.

Gun ownership in the US - 50% of Whites own a gun or have someone in the house use it.. 30% of Blacks, Latinos 20%


Maybe they are the sane ones with education and not the ones in ghettos?

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1 minute ago, chittimallu2 said:

Maybe they are the sane ones with education and not the ones in ghettos?

Are you saying all that gun related violence in Chicago, is because of guns in the hands of sane black people?

The laws exist so they can be applied at random, and at the pleasure of the most assertive.

People like Steven Crowder can build their castles of logic in their fantasy land, but that logic (assuming it is fair to everyone) will be used against the minorities. Because he himself will never criticize a nazi gang weilding it.

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