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Excellent speech on behalf of Amrutha Pranay


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46 minutes ago, MiryalgudaMaruthiRao said:

One boiled egg and chaddiannam 

I am an IIT/IIM graduate. I spent 11 days in police custody, thanks to a fake IPC 498A case filed by my newly wed Dentist + MBA wife. My brother joined me after 8 days and gave me company for the last 3 days. My mother had already been in custody earlier.

The case was filed in 2013 and is still in progress. Staying in custody was one of the best experiences that ever happened to me. I am still best friends with most of the Mahila Police Station and Jail policemen/women.

I was in custody in one of the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Coming to the question in hand - the menu from Monday to Saturday is:

  1. Breakfast - Pulihora / Tamarind Rice, everyday, served at around 6:30 am
  2. Lunch - Rice, Watery Sambar with no vegetables in it. A different type of curry everyday. Served at around 11:30 am.
  3. Dinner - Freshly cooked rice with rasam. Leftover sambar from lunch. One egg for long timers. Served at around 5:00 pm.

On Sunday:

  1. 200 gm of mutton (goat) or chicken curry. Very very well made. The curry is weighed so that everyone gets a fair and equal amount and no fights breakout. The curry is so good that the policemen would dine with us.
  2. The vegetarians would get a special curry on Sunday. They would be served first. Veg and Non Veg people would be served at different times to ensure that no one ate both the veg and non-veg curry.

Other than the chicken/mutton curry and the eggs, there were unlimited servings of everything.

The food is fairly if not completely monotonous. There were a number of people who kindly shared their pickles with me. I was not an exception, almost everyone shared what they got from their visitors - pickles, biscuits, fruits etc. Fruits would got stolen, though most thieves were kind enough to leave at-least one fruit behind.

The policemen maintain discipline, but are friendly and do not judge. They know that most of the inmates have been framed or have committed petty offenses. There is usually a special 498A/DV/DP Act “housing section” in every sub-jail. The inmates are separated from the others and are usually provided informal counseling and emotional support from the policemen themselves and “senior” prisoners.

If you know of anyone who is in police custody, please:

  1. Visit them as frequently as you can. It is lonely and scary out there, even though there is lots of help from fellow prisoners and policemen/women. Usually the policemen will allow a visit everyday with a little cajoling and bribing, even though the limit of visits is only 3 times a month.
  2. Get them Biscuits, Namkeen, Chips, Fruits, Pickles. In large quantities. Almost 50% of it is taken away by the police. Only the rest reaches the prisoners and is usually shared.
  3. Bath Soap, Toothpaste, Brushes, Soap for clothes. Clothes as well. There is always someone inside who has no one to visit, or are too poor to afford the jail bribes. This stuff and old clothes do not cost you much.
  4. Regular Books, Prayer Books, Notebooks, Writing Instruments. A lot of praying happens inside.


  1. After around 6 months of writing this answer, I’ve found this in my feed, interesting :).
  2. The fight is still on.
  3. To all affected parties, and specially my fellow IIM Bangloreans, my sympathies. Pretty much this is a lonely fight, the legal establishment only job is to suck every paisa/penny out of you.
  4. Thanks to my brother - not only for up-voting this answer. But, also driving my in-laws and the corrupt police crazy by standing up and facing arrest rather than capitulating
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