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Govt cover the medical expenses for poor people?


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Note: 8-year-old Jayakishan is suffering from a rare type of blood cancer and needs urgent chemotherapy to survive. His parents can’t afford his treatment and need your help.

Our house was filled with laughter and joy on April 24, 2019. It was my son, Jayakishan’s 8th birthday. He had invited all his friends and I had cooked his favorite food. When my husband, got him his birthday gift, he jumped in excitement. It was a piano that he wanted for so long. Every time he’d see someone playing it on the TV, he’d tell us to get him one as well. Prabhakaran, who works as a loading person, earns very little, but he had been saving up for months to get our son this gift. The happiness on his face was worth every effort.

Every day, after returning from school, he’d go straight to his piano and play it for hours. “Amma, I’ll become a musician,” he’d tell me excitedly. However, things changed one day when I got a call from his school. “Jayakishan has a severe fever and fainted today. Please take him home,” the teacher said. I panicked and rushed to his school. He had collapsed because of weakness and fever. I got him back home and gave him a few medicines, but even after a couple of days, his temperature just kept rising and his skin turned pale.

When we couldn’t understand the reason behind his illness, we took him to the hospital. The doctors told us to get a few tests. We were scared, but we kept praying to God for the best. After a couple of days, we got a call from the hospital that the doctor wants to meet us. My heart was throbbing as I entered the doctor's cabin.

“Jayakishan is diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL-B-cell), a type of blood cancer,” he informed us. 

His words shattered our happiness in an instance. All we knew about cancer was that it kills people. “How could my son get cancer? Please save him,” I begged to the doctors. He told us that his disease can be cured with multiple rounds of chemotherapy. We finally saw a ray of hope.

As we came out of the doctor’s cabin, I saw Jayakishan sitting in a corner, crying. He had overheard our conversation with the doctor. “Amma, I don’t want to die,” he told me. My heart broke. “I will not let anything happen to you. I promise,” Prabhakaran told him. Our son’s treatment was started soon after. My baby underwent two painful rounds of chemotherapy that took away all his energy. He has turned extremely weak and keeps wailing in pain. “I don’t want to stay here, Amma. Please take me home,” he cries. He longs to go back home, to his school, and play with his friends, but I can’t do anything to help him.


On the other hand, ever since Jayakishan’s disease has been diagnosed, my husband hasn’t taken a day off from work. He keeps working multiple shifts just to be able to fund his treatment. He doesn’t even get much time to spend with his son. All we need right now is his well-being, but his health is only deteriorating with each day. He hardly smiles now and doesn’t even want to see his piano. He is slowly losing all hope. Cancer has taken away all his dreams and ambitions. Now, he just keeps lying on his bed quietly.

Off late, the doctors have told us that as a cure, our son needs intensive chemotherapy for six months followed by 2.5 years of maintenance chemotherapy. His treatment will cost 23,077

We were shocked. Prabhakaran burst into tears. “I wish I wasn’t poor. I could save my son then,” he cried. Over the span of three months, we have already taken high-interest loans and have borrowed money from our friends and relatives. But the hospital bills are only mounting with each day and we are unable to pay off that as well.

We’ll lose our son if he doesn’t get chemotherapy urgently. We have exhausted all our funds and have no way to fund his treatment any further. We desperately need your help to save our dying child. Please help us.

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Charity No: 68853267
Note: This fundraiser is not eligible for 80G tax exemption.

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9 hours ago, Diana said:

ilanti cases lo govt em help cheyada?

All the states have something called as CM relief fund. 

One can apply for medical help and funds will be released immediately, if not full amount, one can expect partial help from such funds.

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