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India's ex-Supreme Court judge(Markandey Katju) says indian judiciary very corrupt and political in london court


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Very interesting. INdian elite - these apara chanakyas - play games on all sides whatever profits them. But advise indians to hate minorities and "wait for generations" for caste issues to be resolved.



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This same fellow who is a kashmiri brahmin formed an association saying "Dalits against reservations" to encourage dalits to give up demands for reservations.


Interestingly the indian supreme court which he said is very political and corrupt is almost completely a den of upper castes with brahmins dominating it. Just few families were hereditarily becoming judges.



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I am still very surprised by this. Can you imagine an american supreme court judge going to  a china court and saying american criminal must remain in china because american justice is corrupt and political? how can this guy do like this. If this is a muslim wont sedition laws be imposed?

Clearly in india law looks at your caste and birth before being applied. @Prasadgeek33

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2 minutes ago, TechAdvice said:

Almost all judges take $$$ to divert or settle cases... it’s a matter of getting in their inner circle 

Thats ok..but going to a foreign country and trashing your own when you have been a supreme court judge is like really odd to me. And no one in media also seem to notice. They seem to assume it is fine.

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2 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

I am still very surprised by this. Can you imagine an american supreme court judge going to  a china court and saying american criminal must remain in china because american justice is corrupt and political? how can this guy do like this. If this is a muslim wont sedition laws be imposed?

Clearly in india law looks at your caste and birth before being applied. @Prasadgeek33

The UK court commented that katju has a personal agenda and rejected his testimony. Only after this testimony was rejected was Nirav Modi extradition was approved.

The UK court judge commented that judge katju was not reliable and had "hallmarks of an outspoken critic with his own personal agenda".

So many people speak against their own countries. Nothing special or significant about it. 

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8 minutes ago, Prasadgeek33 said:

The UK court commented that katju has a personal agenda and rejected his testimony. Only after this testimony was rejected was Nirav Modi extradition was approved.



The UK court judge commented that judge katju was not reliable and had "hallmarks of an outspoken critic with his own personal agenda".



So many people speak against their own countries. Nothing special or significant about it. 

I am not asking about what UK court said. I can read the article myself. cover drives vaddhu.

Nothing special about a supreme court judge trashing his own system in a foreign country? nizanga?

malla rythulu chesthe baadha endhuko.

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3 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

Thats ok..but going to a foreign country and trashing your own when you have been a supreme court judge is like really odd to me. And no one in media also seem to notice. They seem to assume it is fine.

Well he for sure  got something out of it in the form of kick backs 

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Idhedho routine ga dabbulu thisukune chese pani aithe kaadhu. I cannot imagine an american supreme court judge or italian judge going to foreign countries and doing like this. Its basically a reflection of character of indian elite.

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