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The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers - it started long before with hate speech


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India won't have holocaust. They'll just create an environment where muslims can't speak up. Its already happened.

now and then, there will create riots and create chaos in muslim communities whenever a large number of muslims find courage to fight together (Delhi riots 2020). And then blame the victims of the riots as instigators. While the sanghis who actually instigated it will go scotfree.

keep doing this over and over, and beat muslims psychologically and financially and socially into complete silence.

India won't have a holocaust. Majority of Indians (read Hindus) are already okay with whatever is being done to muslims. Including those who call themselves liberals. and in the last 8yrs, a large section of dalits too are encouraging this silent persecution of muslims.


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muslims are probably the only group in India who have seen a huge drop in their social/economic status.

and even that doesn't calm sanghi and soft sanghi (almost all Hindus) hearts.

The thought that I share some culture with these assholes makes me depressed. But its not gonna help the muslims. I don't know what will.

may be constantly challenging this sh1t in real life, and promoting more inclusive spaces will. Who knows.

in my 4yrs of traveling in India, I hardly met sane non bigoted Hindus. including members of my own family. Everyone seems to have some upsoken grudge, some unquenchable thirst for watching muslims suffer.

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The only time I saw solidarity with muslims was during the anti CAA protests. I think the Hindus who participated in those protests are the only non-bigoted Hindus in India.

especially Hindus in Delhi. Mumbai/Kolkata police were not as violent towards the protestors like Delhi police.

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