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Senior Telugu Actress Shocks NRIs With Boyfriend


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More often than not, noted Telugu actresses are spotted in the USA. While a few visits are for shooting purposes, others are for purely personal reasons. 


Now, a senior Telugu actress who acted alongside several Telugu stars and is currently operating as a character artiste.was spotted in the USA. What is more interesting is that she was seen with a man who was clearly younger than her. 


 A few Telugu people who identified the actress tried to exchange a few pleasantries with her received a big shock of sorts. The actress introduced the man whom she was strolling with as her boyfriend.

The actress's comments left the onlookers in a state of shock. The actress is old enough to play with her grandchildren but now, she is roaming the streets of New Jersey and New York with her boyfriend, who is much younger than her. 

The senior actress's strange acts and this unexpected love track is the talk of the town now. We usually see westerners have partners who are much younger than them. But this said actress is starting something new with her ripe age love story now. 

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