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Liz Truss Has 90% Chance of Becoming UK’s Next Prime Minister | Rishi Sunak's backers fear the leadership race is over: Some 'get cold feet' but others claim MPs are ready to switch sides from Liz Truss | Foreign secretary clear front-runner to replace BJ


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2 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

if mayor of london is even half as pwoerful as you think there is zero chance he will be allowed to be one. what power mayor of london really has ? running the city buses on time ?

Boris Johnson was once Mayor of London.

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There are so many things going on in this thread I thought I'd say a few things super quickly before they escape my head & never return. Emphasis on super. This is not just about this thread but about most threads in here, in general. 

At the end of the day, I believe simply making blanket statements does not help you or me gain a good appreciation of how stuff like these elections really work. This applies to everything. How power plays with politics in this day & age. How your understanding of the world is carefully shaped by powerful forces etc. The more nuanced an understanding you gain, the better. Surface level stuff, you could find in any tabloid. Merely winning arguments for the sake of winning despite knowing full well, even you don't know what you said to be true is a senseless thing, esp in 2022 when isht's going haywire everywhere! No one believes the Wikipedia version anymore. Disinfo & misinfo are everywhere & we've seen them play out over the past couple of years in various forms, in the middle of a health crisis like none other. 

I do not know the first thing about U.K. politics - either the establishment version ( Wikipedia version ) or the way things really work if you're an average bloke whos trying to make a living there & make sense of it all. 

Heck I didn't have the faintest clue that for all intents and purposes that there are two political entities in London - effectively Two Londons - in the very same city. One - the City of London and the other just London. That demands its own thread & I'll make one. Sure to make you think twice about what you think you know. 

Coming to the topic at hand - the treatment of Rishi Sunak by the British public so far in this race - the following points have been raised in some fashion or the other:

1. Plain vanilla racism as in Ethnic Brits vs Ethnic non-Brits

2. Hindu vs Christian ( or desert religions in general - Islam, Christianity, Judaism )  

3. Oxbridge ( Oxford + Cambridge ) club vs Rest 

4. Pro-EU / WEF vs Non ( Globalist vs Nationalist same thing more or less ) etc. 

More than pick a dog in this fight ( which I generally dont do because more than half the time I'm confused whom to even pick between the two coz I'm clueless which one, if any, even has my back, when push comes to shove ! ) we ought to aim to atleast eliminate things that surely are in the realm of unlikelihood or improbability.

You could run around in circles arguing at length, for days about each of the points above. But surely some scenarios are more improbable than others. Thats all I mean here. Nothing more. No one knows anything for certain. Lets agree on that atleast. Like I said earlier you didnt even know that two entities of London existed till I told you. More on that later. 

Unless your job here is to score points or shill disinfo or misinfo, you'd want the same thing as I do - gain some measure of clarity as to how things really work on the ground, after all the cake and watermelon, after all the song and dance. 

So we should atleast try to support our claims with some evidence that goes to establish your point or atleast why you believe that to be the case. Why you feel this or that has had an outsized influence on the outcome. We should try to rise above the pedestrian arguments made by laymen. We shouldn't try to feed the ignorant & lazy ideas. Yes, its vexing to dig for the truth. Its easier & pain-free to buy into a readymade school of thought or into someones pet theory. We cannot afford to play those games any longer. The world is headed for some dire straits as evidenced by the events of the past & recent past. 

Ask yourself : if you have nothing else to support your statements besides your good word, then why would anyone want to believe you over say a billionaire like Chamath, who atleast would have hobnobbed with more important people than you did and says similary wild things?  

Former Facebook Exec Chamath Palihapitiya Says 150 Men Rule The World, and Politicians Are Puppets



Some things to think about :

 1. Elections cost money. Since the age of Cambridge Analytica, you could say they cost a heck of a lot more. Someones spending all this money to either blackball Truss or Sunak because they stand to gain from putting them in power. Obviously.

Whos funding these elections & why if the winners are already cherry picked? Are the election workers in on it too? Are the machines rigged? Who stagemanages this huge conspiracy? Why does Wikileaks not expose this huge conspiracy if its true? Is Wikileaks (& Julian Assange) an arm of the cabal too ?

2. What does this mean for Indians at large? Does Rishi Sunak even have your best interests as an Indian in mind if hes a globalist puppet? Say he loses, does that mean the WEF/ pro-EU crowd are not as powerful as one might think?  Do they take a loss on purpose, when the headwinds are too strong?  

3. Who does Rishi really serve? What role does Ford Foundation's Narayana Murthy & Rishi's FiL play in all of this [2]? Who does Liz serve? Who are her backers? If one of these win, is the re-litigation of Brexit, in some manner, on the cards?  

People now more than ever operate in this disillusioned state where they neither fully trust their leaders & establishments anymore nor do they think that electing the next okay-ish guy will do anything to change the general effedup-ness of the system, in any significant way. At the same time they neither can abandon all hope, do nothing & sit at home. Because thats how you get Trump ( or so the wisdom goes, that in 2016 Dems were so unenthusiastic about Hillary & bummed over Bernie getting the boot by establishment Dems, that they stayed home & Trump won. Micahel Moore saw this coming & called it. [1] )

So rather than doing nothing they still feign interest in the political races & vote for someone. Clueless on whether or not it will move the needle, for the better. Yet they vote. 

The disillusioned state can even be comforting & numbing. But that doesn't make it right. 





Revealed: How Ford Foundation Got the Modi Government to Back Off From Its Expulsion Move

Leaked e-mails give the first account of how one of the world's wealthiest charitable foundations negotiated to rescue its India operations.

New Delhi: In the winter of December 2014, months before the Modi government’s crackdown on over 13,000 NGOs started, the Ford Foundation’s offices in New Delhi learnt through informal sources that its funding of an organisation run by activist Teesta Setalvad had drawn the interest of Gujarat state police.

Although the funds that were granted were for routine activities related primarily to research and the building of organisations dedicated to improving communal harmony – according to Ford Foundation internal documentation of the affair – the language used in Setalvad’s initial proposal regarding the 2002 Godhra violence kicked off a series of events that plunged the foundation into a chaotic mess.













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10 hours ago, bhaigan said:

Rishi Sunak to be honest very good person and statesmen

RSS enter ayindi rishi sunak game over

RSS/BJP ekkada adugu pedithe akkada mannu masanam

Even UK lo koda RSS political interferences chesinda ?? What do you take daily bro ??

  • Haha 1
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9 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

its racist but hindu is not a race

Hindus does or does not have to be race 

point is British consider themselves as superior race and they are racist was my point, don’t show over intelligence in this simple context 

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3 hours ago, sarvayogi said:

aina tellodu deggara gulam giri cheyyakunda manaki enduku ayya ivanni...

Pm position kooda gulamgiri ne. kakapothe thellas ki nacchale.

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12 hours ago, Ryzen_renoir said:

Racism or religion has nothing to do with sunak losing tory party selection.  Rishi sunak belongs to Oxford boys club from which majority of tory party leaders are chosen. He went to school , college and worked with tories , they consider him just as native as any white British 

He's going to lose it because Boris Johnson faction considers him a backstabber and the brexit faction led by Jacob Rees mogg consider sunak too close to EU/WEF  


he got highest votes from MP's who are select few and influential. But going to get humiliatingly low votes from tory party activists numbering half a million. what does it say ?

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14 hours ago, bhaigan said:

Rishi Sunak to be honest very good person and statesmen

RSS enter ayindi rishi sunak game over

RSS/BJP ekkada adugu pedithe akkada mannu masanam

thats a defintely a possibility. Look at huge difference in support of MPs (who are few and influentian) and cadre. it is easy for RSS to bribe the MPs.

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9 hours ago, Golwalkar said:

There are so many things going on in this thread I thought I'd say a few things super quickly before they escape my head & never return. Emphasis on super. This is not just about this thread but about most threads in here, in general. 

At the end of the day, I believe simply making blanket statements does not help you or me gain a good appreciation of how stuff like these elections really work. This applies to everything. How power plays with politics in this day & age. How your understanding of the world is carefully shaped by powerful forces etc. The more nuanced an understanding you gain, the better. Surface level stuff, you could find in any tabloid. Merely winning arguments for the sake of winning despite knowing full well, even you don't know what you said to be true is a senseless thing, esp in 2022 when isht's going haywire everywhere! No one believes the Wikipedia version anymore. Disinfo & misinfo are everywhere & we've seen them play out over the past couple of years in various forms, in the middle of a health crisis like none other. 

I do not know the first thing about U.K. politics - either the establishment version ( Wikipedia version ) or the way things really work if you're an average bloke whos trying to make a living there & make sense of it all. 

Heck I didn't have the faintest clue that for all intents and purposes that there are two political entities in London - effectively Two Londons - in the very same city. One - the City of London and the other just London. That demands its own thread & I'll make one. Sure to make you think twice about what you think you know. 

Coming to the topic at hand - the treatment of Rishi Sunak by the British public so far in this race - the following points have been raised in some fashion or the other:

1. Plain vanilla racism as in Ethnic Brits vs Ethnic non-Brits

2. Hindu vs Christian ( or desert religions in general - Islam, Christianity, Judaism )  

3. Oxbridge ( Oxford + Cambridge ) club vs Rest 

4. Pro-EU / WEF vs Non ( Globalist vs Nationalist same thing more or less ) etc. 

More than pick a dog in this fight ( which I generally dont do because more than half the time I'm confused whom to even pick between the two coz I'm clueless which one, if any, even has my back, when push comes to shove ! ) we ought to aim to atleast eliminate things that surely are in the realm of unlikelihood or improbability.

You could run around in circles arguing at length, for days about each of the points above. But surely some scenarios are more improbable than others. Thats all I mean here. Nothing more. No one knows anything for certain. Lets agree on that atleast. Like I said earlier you didnt even know that two entities of London existed till I told you. More on that later. 

Unless your job here is to score points or shill disinfo or misinfo, you'd want the same thing as I do - gain some measure of clarity as to how things really work on the ground, after all the cake and watermelon, after all the song and dance. 

So we should atleast try to support our claims with some evidence that goes to establish your point or atleast why you believe that to be the case. Why you feel this or that has had an outsized influence on the outcome. We should try to rise above the pedestrian arguments made by laymen. We shouldn't try to feed the ignorant & lazy ideas. Yes, its vexing to dig for the truth. Its easier & pain-free to buy into a readymade school of thought or into someones pet theory. We cannot afford to play those games any longer. The world is headed for some dire straits as evidenced by the events of the past & recent past. 

Ask yourself : if you have nothing else to support your statements besides your good word, then why would anyone want to believe you over say a billionaire like Chamath, who atleast would have hobnobbed with more important people than you did and says similary wild things?  

Former Facebook Exec Chamath Palihapitiya Says 150 Men Rule The World, and Politicians Are Puppets



Some things to think about :

 1. Elections cost money. Since the age of Cambridge Analytica, you could say they cost a heck of a lot more. Someones spending all this money to either blackball Truss or Sunak because they stand to gain from putting them in power. Obviously.

Whos funding these elections & why if the winners are already cherry picked? Are the election workers in on it too? Are the machines rigged? Who stagemanages this huge conspiracy? Why does Wikileaks not expose this huge conspiracy if its true? Is Wikileaks (& Julian Assange) an arm of the cabal too ?

2. What does this mean for Indians at large? Does Rishi Sunak even have your best interests as an Indian in mind if hes a globalist puppet? Say he loses, does that mean the WEF/ pro-EU crowd are not as powerful as one might think?  Do they take a loss on purpose, when the headwinds are too strong?  

3. Who does Rishi really serve? What role does Ford Foundation's Narayana Murthy & Rishi's FiL play in all of this [2]? Who does Liz serve? Who are her backers? If one of these win, is the re-litigation of Brexit, in some manner, on the cards?  

People now more than ever operate in this disillusioned state where they neither fully trust their leaders & establishments anymore nor do they think that electing the next okay-ish guy will do anything to change the general effedup-ness of the system, in any significant way. At the same time they neither can abandon all hope, do nothing & sit at home. Because thats how you get Trump ( or so the wisdom goes, that in 2016 Dems were so unenthusiastic about Hillary & bummed over Bernie getting the boot by establishment Dems, that they stayed home & Trump won. Micahel Moore saw this coming & called it. [1] )

So rather than doing nothing they still feign interest in the political races & vote for someone. Clueless on whether or not it will move the needle, for the better. Yet they vote. 

The disillusioned state can even be comforting & numbing. But that doesn't make it right. 





Revealed: How Ford Foundation Got the Modi Government to Back Off From Its Expulsion Move

Leaked e-mails give the first account of how one of the world's wealthiest charitable foundations negotiated to rescue its India operations.

New Delhi: In the winter of December 2014, months before the Modi government’s crackdown on over 13,000 NGOs started, the Ford Foundation’s offices in New Delhi learnt through informal sources that its funding of an organisation run by activist Teesta Setalvad had drawn the interest of Gujarat state police.

Although the funds that were granted were for routine activities related primarily to research and the building of organisations dedicated to improving communal harmony – according to Ford Foundation internal documentation of the affair – the language used in Setalvad’s initial proposal regarding the 2002 Godhra violence kicked off a series of events that plunged the foundation into a chaotic mess.













nobody will fell to your sanghi brain wash here

poyi pakka ki velli aduko bhayya

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On 7/31/2022 at 8:57 AM, pakeer_saab said:

Even UK lo koda RSS political interferences chesinda ?? What do you take daily bro ??

what modi takes daily ? anti nehru and anti gandhi pills ?


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9 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

he got highest votes from MP's who are select few and influential. But going to get humiliatingly low votes from tory party activists numbering half a million. what does it say ?

That means the ordinary party members don't trust him even if the elites do

If racism is at play here rushi sunak would never have been made chancellor in first place. 

You are just looking at it from your regressive perspective. This is not Andhra, British politics are quite mature 

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9 hours ago, Ryzen_renoir said:

That means the ordinary party members don't trust him even if the elites do

If racism is at play here rushi sunak would never have been made chancellor in first place. 

You are just looking at it from your regressive perspective. This is not Andhra, British politics are quite mature 

chaaa - maybe the problem is not andhra it is your mind that is immature- rishi sunak was elected on a conservative ticket against labor. he was supposed to do his minister job and quit.

My racism remarks is based on reading british news papers and its comments where "anyone but sunak" sentiment is strong.

British were brutal colonizers till 60s - have never apologized for them - vast numbers still feel they "civilized" - still eulogize thier institution of monarchy which participated in global lool. on what basis you are certifying that it is "mature" ?

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2 hours ago, Telugodura456 said:

chaaa - maybe the problem is not andhra it is your mind that is immature- rishi sunak was elected on a conservative ticket against labor. he was supposed to do his minister job and quit.

My racism remarks is based on reading british news papers and its comments where "anyone but sunak" sentiment is strong.

British were brutal colonizers till 60s - have never apologized for them - vast numbers still feel they "civilized" - still eulogize thier institution of monarchy which participated in global lool. on what basis you are certifying that it is "mature" ?

Not denying that they were xunts but British politics are much more mature than whatever goes in India 

Have you ever seen a civilised debate in Indian parliament or even assembly ? Bunch of imbeciles 

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