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Uzkb A sports center for Sanchinarro

The City of Madrid is committed to its main visitor source market: the United States. The delegate of Economy and Employment, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] dunk nike store [/url] Miguel 脕ngel Villanueva, [url=https://www.jordann.at] air jordan4 [/url] heads the delegation of the Madrid City Council that will travel to the United States on October 29 and 30 to promote the city as a language tourist destination, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] adidas yeezys [/url] for leisure and business. The United States is not only a traditional source of tourists to Madrid, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezy 700 [/url] but, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy 700 [/url] as stated in the Strategic Plan of the City of Madrid 2008-2011, it is one of the countries with the most growth potential and its Citizens feel especially attracted by the tourist offer of the Spanish capital. A strategic Villanueva market, accompanied by representatives of Promotion of Madrid - the citymarke agencyting of the city -, will present in Washington and New York the attractions of the metropolis with the aim of continuing to promote tourism in this strategic market for Madrid. In 2007, the United States contributed 13% of international tourism to the City of Madrid (of the 7.3 million visitors, almost 450,000 travelers were Americans) and was characterized by being one of the countries that generated the highest average expenditure per tourist. something that the City of Madrid intends to maintain through different promotional activities. Business tourism The institutional visit is part of the work trip of the Madrid Convention Bureau (MCB) to three important North American cities - Toronto, Washington and New York - to promote the image of Madrid as a preferred destination for business tourism, conferences and travel of incentives. The MCB, together with 16 companies in the business tourism sector, including Ifema and Madrid Espacios y Congresos, will hold meetings with institutions and companies to publicize the infrastructure and equipment...
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Pagw The Government of Castilla-La Mancha promotes the internationalization of the industry

The Minister of Education, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] nb mujer [/url] Culture and Sports, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas samba og [/url] 脕ngel Felpeto, [url=https://www.nbbalance.it] nb [/url] has called for the collaboration of all of society and administrations in this new stage at the head of the department in which he has expressed his desire to also have the provincial councils and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). This is how he advanced it during the inauguration ceremony as the regional head of Education, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] new balance hombre [/url] Culture and Sports, which was held this Friday at the Fuensalida Palace and in which he was accompanied by the president of Castilla. La Mancha, [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr] stanley cups [/url] Emiliano Garc铆a-Page; the president of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, Jes煤s Fern谩ndez Vaquero, as well as all the members of the Government Council and more than a hundred representatives of the social, political, economic and union life of the region. Felpeto has highlighted the need to rmake a 鈥渉umble but loyal and sincere鈥?commitment to 鈥渂etter social recognition of the work of teachers鈥?as well as 鈥渁 responsible collaboration of families with educational centers鈥? without forgetting the 鈥渋mprovement of coexistence鈥?that, he has highlighted 鈥渨ill have a direct impact on the improvement of teaching and learning.鈥?In this sense, the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports has advanced a work calendar 鈥渢o be close to everyone鈥?and comply with the constitutional mandate and that of the autonomous community to promote 鈥渢he effective participation of all affected sectors鈥?and with which, in addition, he hopes to open and foster 鈥渘ew paths and new encounters.鈥?脕ngel Felpeto also had words of recognition for the outgoing counselor, Reyes Est茅vez, he thanked the president of Castilla-La Mancha for the trust he has placed in him, committing his 鈥渆ffort, full dedication and honesty鈥?to meet the set objectives and has manifestedyour willingness to reach agreements; work for which, he has anticipated, 鈥渨e will have to go out to meet them.鈥?鈥淚 don't know...
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Buko The CEIP No. 4 of Sese帽a Nuevo, contemplated in the more than 100 works of the Plan de In

The new tender for the award of the land medical transport service in Castilla-La Mancha, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus femme [/url] approved in the Governing Council last week, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas samba rose [/url] foresees an increase in the workforce of health technicians, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] new balance woman [/url] specifically, [url=https://www.nbbalance.it] nb balance [/url] the creation of at least 34 new jobs compared to those that currently exist. One of the novelties of this new competition is precisely the establishment of a minimum number of workers that each service must have, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us] stanley store [/url] both urgent and scheduled transportation, thus favoring the hiring of new workers and reducing the precariousness of the contracts. In this sense, it should be noted that the calculations to obtain the minimum required human resources have been made based on well-studied data and contrasted with what has happened up to now, and meet the conditionstions established in the sector's collective agreement. In the case of urgent transport, the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha assumed the commitment to eliminate location devices in mobile ICUs and in Basic Life Support, and this has been reflected in the specifications of the new tender. Likewise, it is required that both Mobile ICUs and Nursing Life Supports have 4 health technicians per position, eliminating the bases of 3 technicians per position. These measures will mean the creation of at least 34 new jobs, going from the 791 that there were until now to 825. Although location devices are contemplated as a form of contracting in the collective agreement of this sector, the SESCAM has considered it convenient to eliminate them from both the mobile ICUs and the Basic Life Supports with the aim of guaranteeing the rapid response of urgent care resources. The new contest starts from a prebidding assumption 3 million euros higher than what is currently awarded. That is, in 2017 the Castilian Health Service...
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Ajub The Oral Health Unit for patients with special needs in Alc谩z

The Pediatric Hospitalization Unit of the University Hospital of Guadalajara, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] nb 530 [/url] dependent on the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM), [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de] adidas campus 80s [/url] has completed its move to the new facilities in the expansion of the Hospital. Days after the different surgical services and the operating rooms were moved to the expansion, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr] adidas samba rose [/url] Pediatrics has been the service that began its move and is now fully installed in its new plant. On Thursday, Hugo was the first child to move from the old building to his new room. The new pediatric hospitalization has 15 rooms for preferably individual use, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus femme [/url] which guarantees greater autonomy and privacy, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr] adidas samba blanche [/url] although with dimensions that allow it to be duplicated if necessary. With these new facilities, the Government of Castilla-La Mancha offers continuous improvement to smallpatients and also their families, by providing larger and brighter rooms equipped with a sofa bed to make their stay more comfortable and convenient. Of the 15 rooms, six have cribs for the smallest patients and the remaining seven have beds for older boys and girls. Of these, two are adapted for isolation and have double doors and different security measures. Likewise, the unit has a resuscitation room with the necessary infrastructure to deal with critical situations. Promote outpatient care One of the main improvements of the new pediatric hospitalization is its greater functionality and the conditions that facilitate shorter admissions. To this end, the plant incorporates two day hospitals with three treatment stations each. This is intended to enhance outpatient care and avoid admissions that are not strictly necessary to ensure that pediatric patients, whenever possible,recover in their environment and not in a hospital environment. Finally, the unit has a meeting room and for the training of teachers...
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Lrlq Garc铆a-Page will go to Europe with agricultural organizations and cooperatives, to l

At a working breakfast, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas samba herren [/url] organized by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha with the support of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Mexico, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas samba damen [/url] was presented in Mexico City, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] new balance hombre [/url] before nearly a hundred businessmen, [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr] stanley cup [/url] the great potential for economic and business investment that Castilla-La Mancha offers to any company for the expansion of its business in Spain and Europe. With the help of the Minister of Economy, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de] stanley online shop [/url] Business and Employment, Patricia Franco, and the general director of Business, Competitiveness and Internationalization, Francisco Javier Rosell, the businessmen have been able to learn about the strengths of the region, the strategic sectors investment, as well as the advantages and incentives offered by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha to potential investors both for their installation and access to markets, as well as supportthat the Executive of President Garc铆a-Page makes available to Mexican companies. In this meeting, which included the participation of Mexican companies in Castilla-La Mancha and Castilian-La Mancha companies established in Mexico, the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in Mexico, Jorge Marin茅 Brandi, also participated, highlighting the solid relationship existing trade between both countries. Patricia Franco has explained that Castilla-La Mancha has a strategic central location on the Iberian Peninsula, which borders seven Spanish regions, and is close to the country's capital, the main consumer center. She has also highlighted its proximity to the main markets in Europe and North Africa, the modern infrastructure and available industrial land. The counselor has indicated that sectors such as agri-food, aeronautics, logistics, bioeconomy, and outsourcing and ICT services, are considered, among others, to beathetical in the region. Regarding the agri-food sector, Castilla-La Mancha occupies a leading position within the agri-food industry in...
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Jbck The Madrid City Council joins the 鈥淜ilo solidario鈥?initiative of

The PP deputy secretary of Territorial Organization censures that the text has not been agreed upon with the autonomous communities or the affected sectors. 鈥淭his Government is out of touch with reality, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy schuhe [/url] should focus on incentivizing and not imposing,鈥?[url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy [/url] adds. It contrasts the PP's economic plan, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance nb 530 [/url], which includes energy efficiency measures, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] with the 鈥渟moke screen鈥?behind which the Government tries to hide to avoid talking about the price of electricity, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezys 350 [/url] data on unemployment or inflation Rejects the 鈥渋deological prejudices鈥?of the Executive, which lead Spaniards to pay the higher prices for electricity, and advocates taking advantage of all the energy potential that Spain has. 鈥淚t is easier to talk about ties, the temperature of the air conditioning or the lighting in shop windows, but this is not the debate,鈥?asserts Tellado, who raises the needity of betting on incentives for the affected sectors. He denounces the 鈥渁rrogance鈥?of Pedro S谩nchez, whom he asks to 鈥渓isten to the streets鈥? return from vacation and convene the Conference of Presidents to agree on the measures to be applied. 鈥淭he President of the Government is 5,000 feet above the real problems of the Spanish people,鈥?he adds. He demands that the aforementioned text be withdrawn, which he describes as 鈥渂otched鈥? which is full of 鈥渟hadows鈥?and which generates great legal uncertainty for the communitiesAsks the 鈥渕ost expensive executive in history鈥? with 22 ministries and 800 advisors, to set an example for citizens by tightening their belts. 鈥淭he image of S谩nchez taking a helicopter and then the Falcon after the press conference is the most visual example of the absurdity of this Government,鈥?says Tellado, after condemning the 鈥渦se and abuse鈥?that it makes of State assets. He explains that it is power of each autonomous community to present an appeal before the TC, while evidencing the criticisms that the partners naBasque and Catalan nationalists have raised the text. 鈥淭he Government has not even spoken with its partners,鈥?he laments. 鈥淭he Executive has not...
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Eebt Dancausa signs a Training and Dynamization agreement with the FRAVM

The city councils of Madrid and A Coru帽a have signed this week a collaboration protocol in the field of participation. Both councils will collaborate to develop and articulate tools that facilitate citizen participation in decision-making. An important step has already been taken in this sense: The Coru帽a portal A Porta Aberta, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics schuhe [/url] recently launched, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] adidas yeezys [/url] uses the free software developed for Decide Madrid and uses a similar voting system. The agreement, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es] yeezy 350 [/url] signed by the delegate of Citizen Participation, [url=https://www.jordann.at] nike jordan4 [/url] Transparency and Open Government of the Madrid City Council, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezy shoes [/url] Pablo Soto, and the councilor for Citizen Participation and Democratic Innovation of the A Coru帽a City Council, Claudia Delso, determines that the cGalician onsistorio can "use, share and adapt" the experience of Madrid. Likewise, both city councils make themselves available to other administrations and institutions to disseminate this model of direct citizen participation. With the launch of the A Porta Aberta portal, there are now three cities that have replicated the Madrid participation system. The town councils of Oviedo and Barcelona had previously adapted the free software developed from Madrid to their own participation models. There are more than 40 local, regional or state administrations that have been interested in the system applied in Madrid, through which participatory budgets are voted on, citizen proposals are promoted or binding questionnaires are carried out, such as the one on the future of Plaza Espa帽a.How delegate Pablo Soto has highlighted, behind this agreement there is a new way of proceeding and doing popolicy that supports cooperation between institutions to apply open policies for governance...
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Uvoz Good practices for better services

The delegate of the Culture Area, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezy [/url] Tourism and Sports, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance f眉r herren [/url] Andrea Levy, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] yeezy 350 [/url] has held a meeting with representatives of La Noche En Vivo in the legendary Costello room to find out the situation of the rooms of Madrid music after its forced closure due to the declaration of the state of alarm as a consequence of the COVID-19 health crisis. In this meeting, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] nike sb dunk [/url] the representatives of La Noche en Vivo, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezy sneaker [/url] the Association of Live Music Venues of Madrid, have conveyed to the delegate their concern regarding the impossibility of opening the venues under the conditions set by the Ministry of Culture and which entail a drastic reduction in capacity. This would imply, as they have explained, opening the doors of these establishments with losses, since they limit their capeace without having in return a reduction in the operating costs of the venue and all with a meager collection that would not cover the costs of the venue's staff, its own maintenance or the hired musicians and technicians.Andrea Levy, For its part, it has asked the central government to reconsider the conditions set for the opening of music venues because, if it does not do so, 鈥渋t is condemning a fundamental link in Madrid's culture to remain with its doors closed for a long time, something that In many cases, it will mean their sad disappearance." In this context, the delegate explained that the Aplaude Madrid Plan to support the City Council's culture incorporates the Special COVID-19 Aid Plan endowed with 7.5 million euros in order to avoid the closure of private cultural structures such as theaters or music halls. From this help lineLive music venues (1.3 million euros), theaters (1.9 million euros), cinemas (1.2 million...
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Bkdx Gallard贸n congratulates municipal services on Christmas

The Madrid City Council is going to allocate 301, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy schuh [/url] 5 million euros to the Home Help Service (SAD) over the next two years. This contract that will come into force on October 1 is, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezy 700 [/url] in the words of the delegate of Family and Social Services, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy boost 350 [/url] Concepci贸n Dancausa, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics gel [/url] "the largest home help contract that has been taken in the history of our country"The Home Help Service of the Madrid City Council assisted 50,872 people from January 1 to August 31 of this year, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] yeezy [/url] which represents a total of 5,601,625 hours borrowed. These figures place the service at the head of the SADs in Spain, both in terms of the number of hours of care each user receives and the resources available to it. Since the beginning of the year, the City Councilor has allocated 79,631,644 euros to this service. One of the characteristics of this service is that it adapts to the changing circumstances of citizens' lives, which is why it involves continuous modifications, registrations, cancellations, temporary suspensions and restarts of the services. services provided. Thus, the number of discharges until August 31 was 995 on average per month, with April being the month with the highest incidence with 1,289 and August being the month with the lowest with 407 discharges. The final casualties were 3,719, with an average of 465 casualties per month (912 in January, the most and 279 in July, the least). In addition, there were 21,213 restarts and 24,185 temporary suspensions. The main causes of permanent withdrawal from the service are death, admission to a residence or day center, moving with relatives, change of address, exceeding the period of temporary leave, compliance of the objectives and voluntary withdrawal. Temporary suspensions, for their part, areThey are mainly due to admission to a residence or day center, transfer with relatives, change of address, admission...
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Drtg The Government of Castilla-La Mancha reiterates its commitment to equal pay

The Minister of Agriculture, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] new balance homme [/url] Environment and Rural Development, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus 80s [/url] Francisco Mart铆nez Arroyo, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de] stanley kaufen [/url] has stated that 鈥渨e are experiencing an authentic revolution in the cooperative sector of Castilla-La Mancha鈥? [url=https://www.nbbalance.it] new balance rosa [/url] during the merger agreement ceremony between the Ontur and Albatana wine cooperatives, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus rouge [/url] in the province of Albacete. An agreement that is part of the line promoted by the regional government regarding commercial integrations and mergers of cooperatives and agri-food companies in the Autonomous Community. The resulting group, 'Ontalba', will be able to benefit from the aid aimed at producer groups, approved by the Government of Emiliano Garc铆a-Page and published last week in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM). This has been confirmed by the counselor, who has encouraged them to take advantage of the deadline to requestthe established aid, 鈥渨hich can be up to 400,000 euros.鈥?In this sense, he has also encouraged all agri-food companies in the region to take this step of commercial integration, creating groups of producers, since "they have until November 14 to request this aid in which we have high hopes and Thanks to which we are achieving many merger and commercial integration projects.鈥?The objective serves to improve the negotiation capacity of winegrowers in the food chain and improve the efficiency of public resources from both cooperatives and aid from the Administration. The provincial director of Agriculture, Manuel Miranda, attended the signing of this merger to support the governing councils and members of both cooperatives, along with the advisor; the deputy director of Agri-Food Cooperatives Castilla-La Mancha, Juan Miguel del Real; the president of the Jumilla Denomination of Origin, Pedro Lencina; the alcmayor of Ontur, Francisco Antonio Vizca铆no; the mayor of Albatana, Francisco Jos茅 Mansilla, and the representative of the Platform of Irrigators and U...
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Qzko The regional government continues to propose expanding the number of specialists

The educational centers of Castilla-La Mancha will have from January 17 to January 30 to participate in the design, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr] samba adidas og [/url] implementation, [url=https://www.campusadidas.it] adidas campus bianche [/url] organization, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de] stanley kaufen [/url] development and evaluation of the first edition of the call for Innovation Projects of Castilla-La Mancha. This was stated by the Minister of Education, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it] adidas samba og [/url] Culture and Sports, [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de] adidas campus beige [/url] Amador Pastor, in a visit to the 'Carrasco Alcalde' Public Schools in the Ciudad Real town of Herencia. In it he has been accompanied by the provincial delegate of this area, Jos茅 Caro; among other authorities. In his statements, Amador Pastor explained that the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM) will publish tomorrow the resolution of a call that aims to 鈥渃onvene educational centers supported by public funds in order to promote and help them in the pedagogical changethat marks the LOMLOE, between the 2023/2024 and 2025/2026 school years.鈥?More specifically, this call, integrated within the regional Educational Innovation Plan, seeks to launch and promote innovative and multidisciplinary projects that promote the development of STEAM competencies, with the aim of improving teaching and learning processes, coexistence and gender equality. It also seeks to encourage scientific and technological vocations in students, and especially in female students. These projects will be defined by the educational centers themselves. All educational centers supported by public funds that provide second cycle education in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, Special Regime Education and Adult Education may participate. The maximum number of authorized projects will be 350 and the minimum participation requirements will be the following: in the centersWith up to 40 teachers, participation will be at least 20 percent of the teaching staff, with a minimum of three; in educational centers...
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Rlrt The Government of Castilla-La Mancha supports the DO Queso Manchego campaign for

The Deputy Minister of Employment and Labor Relations, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] campus adidas [/url] Francisco Rueda Sagaseta, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus femme [/url] has attributed this morning, [url=https://www.nbbalance.es] nb sneakers [/url] at a press conference, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] newbalance 530 [/url] the great impact that the seasonality of the month of October itself has had in the unemployment data, [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr] stanley-cup [/url] due to the end of summer in the Services sector and the end of the harvest in a region where this sector has so much weight. However, the 6.89% reduction in the number of unemployed compared to October 2014 is the highest in the entire historical record for this month, 鈥渨hich means that the Castilla-La Mancha labor market is creating employment at the fastest pace since we know.鈥?The Deputy Minister of Employment has indicated that "we cannot like the data for the month of October because they show an absolute increase of 15,843 people, which represents a growth of 7.64% compared to the previous month." However, these figuresThey respond to a month 鈥渢hat has the highest seasonality of the entire year: it is always a bad month because it coincides with the end of temporary contracts in the service sector and agricultural campaigns.鈥?As he explained, in this region 鈥渁bout 15,000 people are hired during the harvest, whose contracts end in the month of October and this impact becomes evident as soon as we review the data, since unemployment has increased in men and people over 55 years; 9,554 of the new unemployed correspond to agriculture and 4,968 are also from the Services sector: with these two sectors alone we already have 88% of the new unemployed. Furthermore, the provinces where unemployment has increased the most, as detailed, are those with greater weight in the countryside, such as Ciudad Real, Toledo and Albacete, which account for 90% of the new unemployed, while in Guadalajara "the behavior has been flatter", with a growth much lower than the national average of 2.01 %. As Rueda Sag has also indicatedAseta, 鈥渢his image is reaffirmed in the comparison with the rest of the communities, since only the Balearic Islands surpass us, with an increase in...
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Qjxr Castilla-La Mancha registered 659 cases of COVID infection from August 29 to

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has announced the 2020 aid for the acquisition of housing aimed at young people under 35 years of age who reside in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and which is endowed with one million euros. This was announced by the Minister of Development, [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr] adidas campus 00's [/url] Nacho Hernando, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] newbalance 530 [/url], who today, together with the mayor of Puertollano, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us] stanley brand [/url] Isabel Rodr铆guez, [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de] adidas samba herren [/url], signed an agreement for the reopening of the Housing Office in this municipality. An event that was also attended by the general director of Housing, [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr] nb balance [/url] In茅s Sandoval, and the delegate of the Board in Ciudad Real, Carmen Teresa Olmedo. The aid for purchasing housing for young people has been published today in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha and, regarding them, the counselor has reported that during the state of alarm those from last year worth more than 700,000 euros, 鈥渨hatand they are already in the pockets of young families from Castilla-La Mancha who have wanted to establish their roots in one of the municipalities of our region鈥? and now the new call for these grants has been published, endowed with 鈥?0 percent more financing,鈥?as detailed by Nacho Hernando. In this sense, the Minister of Development has stressed that this aid is important when it comes to demanding new measures from the Government of the nation, since "they allow us to say loud and clear that we must recover aid for housing entry" and He recalled that in the coming years the Central Executive will design a new Housing Plan and, in parallel, a Rehabilitation Plan endowed with more than 2,000 million euros. Puertollano Housing Office Precisely, among others, rehabilitation aid will be channeled by the Housing Office that is going to be reopened in Puertollano and will offer information and advice on the processing of rental and reh aid.enabling the Housing Plan, as well as all those issues that have to do with housing in the city. An initiative that...
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Ptid Madrid and Buenos Aires establish a cultural bridge to strengthen their relations

Starting tomorrow, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] adidas yeezys [/url] on July 3, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] tennis yeezys [/url] 'Los S谩bados del Rastro' adds new initiatives to enjoy one of the most emblematic environments in Madrid with the family. Thus, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] nike dunk [/url] in addition to the Unpacking Fair that started in May, [url=https://www.jordann.at] damen jordans [/url] those who come to the area will be able to find three circuits, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy ciabatte [/url] commercial, family and gastronomic, in addition to a date with culture to enjoy of the beginning of the weekend. It will be on alternate Saturdays, with the exception of August, a month in which they will not be held due to summer holidays. With the support of the Area of 鈥嬧€婨conomy, Innovation and Employment and the Municipal Board of the Center, 'Los S谩bados del Rastro' has with the participation of the Nuevo Rastro Merchants Association and de the Association of Neighbors of the Rastro and seek to promote economic activity in the area, remembering that the permanent businesses of the Rastro are open 365 days a year. The commercial proposal focuses on the Unpacking Fair, which has been operating since last month of May from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Plaza de Vara del Rey with more than 30 exhibitors, where visitors can purchase objects that will have a second useful life. This Saturday, the morning will be enlivened with live music. A family circuit will take place on the esplanade of the Puerta de Toledo Market, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., where the plastic and performing arts take center stage with the performance of face painting and storytelling workshops, performances, inflatables and even a pet-friendly circuit so that all the inhabitants of the house, including pets, can participate. As a supplementor, on this first Saturday in July 'Los S谩bados del Rastro' offer two cultural proposals. In the facilities...
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Tpcx The City Council will extend the telephone service contract

The Conde Duque Cultural Center will host from tomorrow Saturday, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] dunk nike store [/url] July 9 and until September 18 Conde Duque Garden Cinema, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es] nike store dunk [/url] a summer evening and nighttime proposal with cinema, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance schuhe [/url] terrace and multipurpose space with tree-lined areas, sun loungers and acoustic concerts and even DJ sessions. The outdoor cinema room in the South Patio will have 2,000 square meters and capacity for 800 people, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] Scarpe Yeezy [/url] and will show films every day of the week, with film series (premieres, comics, symphonic, arthouse, re-releases, family and classic), on a 300 square meter screen with 4K image and 5.1 sound. Some of the titles already confirmed that will be screened will be: Captain America, Kingsman, Deadpool, My Friend the Giant, NowYou see me 2, The Jungle Book, Star Wars, Gernika, Suicide Squad, Bad Mothers, Arlo's Journey, Talk, etc. In the Central Patio there will be 4,000 square meters of landscaped outdoor areas, with multiple spaces aimed at leisure: cocktail bar, beer-gardens, chill out areas with vaporized water, afterwork lounger areas, tree-lined areas and acoustic concerts and DJ sessions and this year it will have a permanent market of curious objects, vintage design and a permanent food truck market. The venue will have multiple recreational activities such as ballroom dance classes, children's games, urban garden workshops, foam parties, bouncy castles, and even an electronic brunch every Sunday. The opening hours of Cine Garden Conde Duque will be: Monday , Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Fridays and Saturdays from 1 p.m.2 to 02:30 a.m. The film screening time will take place between 10 p.m. and midnight, depending on the position...
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