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Manollee Kaadu.. Andaru Ante..


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2 months ago

A generation of voters this poorly educated would be FAR more likely to elect a "President Kardashian" than a "President Einstein"! That's why, during a time of financial crisis, we ended up with a "President Obama", who'd never run so much as a lemonade stand, instead of a "President Romney", who had a VERY successful track record of business management and had even rescued the Olympics from bankruptcy! Foolish folks came out in droves to cast the "cool" vote and invested ZERO into learning who Obama really was or whether he was actually qualified to lead the most powerful country on the planet. Thanks to the uneducated vote, we experienced the slowest recovery since the great depression, we're now $18-trillion in debt, most of our allies no longer trust us and have lost all respect for us as a partner they can count on and our enemies are all flexing their muscles, with almost no fear of any consequences from this administration. If you're not a Republican or an Ally of the US, you don't have much to fear from this President! But hey, party on, youngsters, while you can! Ignorance is bliss!

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