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Problem solving Skills questions for QA


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1 hour ago, DallasKarreBaluGandu said:

u tell QA is not a programming it is very easy easy. open excel in one monitor , word in second monitor

read word document in  monitor and check for validation in excel. 

u telll them I faced problems when i don't have two monitors in validation btw excel and word. don't forget to tell them it is a good question

cc @DallasBaluKarry @Raisins_72

Mamulu creativity kaadu :D Hilarious

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On 1/4/2024 at 8:03 AM, PAKSHIRAJAN said:

Can anyone pls help with what kind of problem solving skills questions can they ask in an interview. Market is so tight / hard preparing for interviews. Thank you all

  1. Scenario-Based Questions:

    • Describe a situation where you identified a critical bug just before a product release. How did you handle it?
    • Can you provide an example of a challenging test case you encountered? How did you approach testing in such a scenario?
  2. Bug Triage and Prioritization:

    • How do you prioritize testing activities when there are time constraints?
    • Explain your approach to bug triage. How do you decide the severity and priority of a reported bug?
  3. Process Improvement:

    • Have you ever identified inefficiencies in the testing process? What steps did you take to improve the process?
    • Describe a situation where you introduced a new testing tool or methodology to enhance the QA process.
  4. Collaboration and Communication:

    • How do you communicate with developers when explaining a complex bug? Can you share a specific example?
    • Describe a time when you had to work closely with the development team to resolve an issue. How did you ensure effective collaboration?
  5. Regression Testing:

    • How do you approach regression testing in a fast-paced development environment?
    • Can you share an experience where an unexpected change in the code impacted existing functionality, and how did you handle it?
  6. Analytical Skills:

    • How do you analyze requirements to create comprehensive test cases?
    • Describe a situation where you had to troubleshoot a difficult-to-reproduce issue. What steps did you take to identify and resolve the problem?
  7. Adaptability and Learning:

    • How do you stay updated with the latest testing tools and technologies?
    • Describe a time when you had to quickly learn a new testing technique or tool to meet project requirements.
  8. Test Automation:

    • Have you been involved in test automation? Can you share a project where you successfully implemented or improved automated testing?
    • How do you decide which test cases are suitable for automation, and which ones should remain manual?
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On 2nd thought people might want to know the answers as well .. here you go .. A lot of these answers seem too perfect. So appear a bit human and not super human .... Make sure you have an example for these ... IF you dont, talk to someone who has. Also if you don't know an answer, just say I don't know or I never got opportunity, but if I do, I can do it.

  1. Scenario-Based Questions:

    • Question: Describe a situation where you identified a critical bug just before a product release. How did you handle it?
    • Answer: In a previous project, I discovered a critical bug during the final testing phase. I immediately documented the issue, including detailed steps to reproduce and its potential impact. I communicated this to the development team and provided them with all necessary information. We worked collaboratively to prioritize and address the bug, and I retested the fix to ensure its resolution before the release.
  2. Bug Triage and Prioritization:

    • Question: How do you prioritize testing activities when there are time constraints?
    • Answer: When facing time constraints, I prioritize testing based on critical functionalities and potential impact on end-users. I focus on high-priority test cases, critical paths, and areas with a history of issues. This ensures that even with limited time, we cover the most critical aspects of the application.
  3. Process Improvement:

    • Question: Have you ever identified inefficiencies in the testing process? What steps did you take to improve the process?
    • Answer: Yes, in a previous role, I noticed delays in the bug resolution process. I proposed a more streamlined approach to bug triage, implemented a centralized bug tracking system, and organized regular meetings with the development team. This resulted in quicker identification, resolution, and a more efficient testing process.
  4. Collaboration and Communication:

    • Question: How do you communicate with developers when explaining a complex bug? Can you share a specific example?
    • Answer: Effective communication is crucial. I provide a detailed bug report with clear steps to reproduce, screenshots, and expected vs. actual results. I also schedule a brief meeting with the developer to walk through the issue, ensuring a shared understanding. This collaborative approach fosters quicker issue resolution.
  5. Regression Testing:

    • Question: How do you approach regression testing in a fast-paced development environment?
    • Answer: In a fast-paced environment, I prioritize automated regression tests for stable functionalities. I continuously update and maintain the test suite, ensuring it aligns with the latest changes. This allows for quick validation of existing features, leaving more time for thorough testing of new functionalities.
  6. Analytical Skills:

    • Question: How do you analyze requirements to create comprehensive test cases?
    • Answer: I carefully review the requirements, seeking clarity and identifying potential ambiguities. I create test cases that cover positive and negative scenarios, boundary tests, and edge cases. Regular collaboration with stakeholders helps refine test cases to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  7. Adaptability and Learning:

    • Question: How do you stay updated with the latest testing tools and technologies?
    • Answer: I am proactive in attending industry webinars, conferences, and online courses. Additionally, I participate in relevant forums and engage with the testing community. This continuous learning approach ensures I stay informed about the latest tools and techniques, allowing me to apply them effectively in my role.
  8. Test Automation:

    • Question: Have you been involved in test automation? Can you share a project where you successfully implemented or improved automated testing?
    • Answer: Yes, in a previous project, I led the implementation of test automation using Selenium. This significantly reduced manual testing efforts, improved test coverage, and enhanced overall efficiency. Regular maintenance and updates ensured that the automated tests remained reliable and relevant to ongoing development.
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Anna answers kuda undedi cheppandi 


more over coding adugutunadu share your entire desktop ata … desi  lks 

Malli interviews India Nichi tesukuntaru 

aha mind tree, Wipro TCS and cts ayithe care level lo unnadi interviews 

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