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1 hour ago, Point said:

No no my wife is smart and a good human. She never listens her mom or anyone and fights with me, my wife much much matured than that. Ipatiki intlo godava avvali but avvaledu lunch aipoindi randi ani as usual ga vundi. Even if my wife takes turns, I'm not a fool to bend down infront of them, so it doesn't matter to me how they behave.

Buddy, then why create problems where there are none. Your mother in law is here on a visit. If you dont like something she says or does, just ignore and move on. Do the grocery runs by yourself. Folks from her generation grew up in different times. They have a different view point towards money. 

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if this is a genuine post 

my 2 cents 

Don’t go by spur of the moment.

you can never take it back and may regret such things in future. 

you trying to justify here says that you have guilt 

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4 hours ago, Point said:

Thank you all for responses, I'm unable to ignore her because the way she said sounded more like controlling than chadastham. If it is pure old age chadastham or failing to realize that we have more money than past generation, I understand. But she knows we can afford and living good but she throws a stone at us and I don't like it.

Groceries ki teskellamu endhuaknte intlo bore feel avtharu ani but she doesn't have the right to finger in our expenses when she is not contributing to the family at this point. 
The same goes to my parents as well. 

If she really want to control, there are much bigger issues in-laws can poke their noses in.. the fact that you got very upset about such a trivial thing means that they don’t get involved in your lives much.. groceries bill anedi very very minute thing..

Athagari tho issues ela untaayo ee db la andarini adigithe, it becomes a mega thread.. 😀

maybe she saw you guys wasting lot of food and felt the need to advice you guys.. just put it on your wife and tell your MIL and wife to make sure that food is not wasted.. 

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