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Siri Gets A Hal 9000 Makeover Thanks To Thinkgeek

Nadimitla Abbulu

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When Apple unveiled its new [url="http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=11p1j3kel/EXP=1320868510/**http%3A//www.tecca.com/topic/iphone-4s/"][color="#005790"]iPhone 4S[/color][/url], the most striking new feature was the integrated virtual assistant [url="http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=128rds2va/EXP=1320868510/**http%3A//www.tecca.com/news/2011/10/04/siri-iphone-4s/"][color="#005790"]named Siri[/color][/url]. And you don't have to be a sci-fi junkie to know that Siri's eerily casual conversations are similar to those of [url="http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=12qdr1gtr/EXP=1320868510/**http%3A//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_9000%23HAL_in_2001%3A_A_Space_Odyssey"][color="#005790"]HAL 9000[/color][/url], the evil computer AI of [i][url="http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=12asauoav/EXP=1320868510/**http%3A//www.tecca.com/product/2001-a-space-odyssey-dvd/"][color="#005790"]2001: A Space Odyssey[/color][/url][/i]. Now, ThinkGeek is making that connection even more opaque with the IRIS 9000, an interactive dock for the iPhone 4S that gives Siri some old-school style.
When an iPhone 4S is plugged into the dock and Siri is activated, an iconic HAL-esque red eye pulses as virtual assistant speaks, just like in the [i]Odyssey[/i] movies. The IRIS comes complete with a remote control to activate Siri from across the room, and features a built-in microphone to make sure your digital helper can hear you from a distance. A speaker inside the dock amplifies your iPhone's audio so you can listen to your new computer overlord loud and clear.
The IRIS 9000 is currently in production and ThinkGeek expects to have it [url="http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=12bcjfamf/EXP=1320868510/**http%3A//www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/cellphone/eb7d/images/"][color="#005790"]ready for sale[/color][/url] by April of 2012. The nifty gadget will set you back a totally reasonable $59.99.

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