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Cell Phone And Texting Laws In Usa


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[b]October 2011[/b]
This chart outlines all state cell phone and text messaging laws. Some local jurisdictions may have additional regulations. Enforcement type is shown in parenthesis.[list]
[*][b]Handheld Cell Phones: [/b]9 states, D.C. and the Virgin Islands prohibit[b] all drivers [/b]from using handheld cell phones while driving. Except for Maryland, all laws are [b]primary enforcement[/b]—an officer may cite a driver for using a handheld cell phone without any other traffic offense taking place.
[*][b]All Cell Phone Use:[/b] No state bans all cell phone use (handheld and hands-free) for all drivers, but many prohibit all cell phone use by certain drivers:
[*][b]Novice Drivers: [/b]30 states and D.C. ban all cell phone use by novice drivers.
[*][b]School Bus Drivers:[/b] Bus drivers in 19 states and D.C. may not use a cell phone when passengers are present.
[/list][*][b]Text Messaging:[/b] 34 states, D.C. and Guam ban text messaging for all drivers. 31 states, D.C., and Guam have primary enforcement; the others, secondary.
[*][b]Novice Drivers:[/b] An additional 7 states prohibit text messaging by novice drivers.
[*][b]School Bus Drivers:[/b] 3 states restrict school bus drivers from texting while driving.
[/list][*]Some states such as Maine, N.H. and Utah treat cell phone use and texting as part of a larger distracted driving issue. In Utah, cellphone use is an offense [i]only[/i] if a driver is also committing some other moving violation (other than speeding). :3D_Smiles:
[b]Crash Data Collection:[/b] Many states include a category for cell phone/electronic equipment distraction on police accident report forms. Recently proposed federal legislation would require states to collect this data in order to qualify for certain federal funding.

[b]Preemption Laws:[/b] Many localities have passed their own distracted driving bans. However, some states – such as Fla., Ky., La., Miss., Nev., and Okla. – prohibit localities from enacting such laws.


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