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Mankind's First Photograph


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[color=#333333]The World's First Photograph:[/color]

[color=#333333]One summer day in France in 1826, Joseph Niepce took the world's first photograph. It's a photo of some farm buildings and the sky. It took an exposure time of 8 hours. Voila! It had to feel pretty incredible, like magic.[/color]

[color=#333333]No one's exactly sure how he did this or what chemicals were used. All that's known for sure is that the photo is on an 8"x 6.5" pewter plate. It's so faint it has to be tilted in order for the light to catch it just right, to see it[/color]

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nenu ee pic monney TIME special edition lo chusa 100pictures which changed the world ani oka edition release chesaru..first di ee pic vesaru last pic mathram [img]http://www.jesseshunting.com/images/obama_hillary_situation_room_osama_death.jpg[/img]

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[quote name='CASANOVA' timestamp='1331498475' post='1301505860']
nenu ee pic monney TIME special edition lo chusa 100pictures which changed the world ani oka edition release chesaru..first di ee pic vesaru last pic mathram [img]http://www.jesseshunting.com/images/obama_hillary_situation_room_osama_death.jpg[/img]

good information _-_ _-_

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[quote name='NaniMAN' timestamp='1331501063' post='1301505949']
a Obama pic yendi?

nuvu undedi ekkada mama?

aa pic Osama assasination appudu situation room pic mama...

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