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[quote name='Java01' timestamp='1372794104' post='1303912292']
Comparator -- mayaaa nuvvu neetho inko edavani ppolchavu anukoo adi comparator

Comparable -- nuvvu ee DB lo ni idharu neeku istam aina vedavalani okaritho okarini polchavu anukooo adi comparable

ROFL Comment assal....

Here is the dipperence in java language...

Comparable: The “Comparable” allows itself to compare with another similar object (i.e. A class that implements Comparable becomes an object to be compared with). The method compareTo() is specified in the interface.

Comparatot: The Comparator is used to compare two different objects. The following method is specified in the Comparator interface. public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)

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[quote name='cherlapalli_jailer' timestamp='1372788110' post='1303911744']
@sinni i modifed above and the working perfectly one is there...so pl try to use the above code now

Working mama... Thanks a lot....

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[quote name='Sinnababu_SillyPulka' timestamp='1372797652' post='1303912589']

ROFL Comment assal....

Here is the dipperence in java language...

Comparable: The “Comparable” allows itself to compare with another similar object (i.e. A class that implements Comparable becomes an object to be compared with). The method compareTo() is specified in the interface.

Comparatot: The Comparator is used to compare two different objects. The following method is specified in the Comparator interface. public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
[quote name='Java01' timestamp='1372794104' post='1303912292']
Comparator -- mayaaa nuvvu neetho inko edavani ppolchavu anukoo adi comparator

Comparable -- nuvvu ee DB lo ni idharu neeku istam aina vedavalani okaritho okarini polchavu anukooo adi comparable
[/quote]exzaamplee kavaliii similar kind of objects ante?

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[quote name='HAPPYNESS' timestamp='1372797758' post='1303912601']
exzaamplee kavaliii similar kind of objects ante?

Many of the standard classes in the Java library like String, Integer, Date, File etc implement the Comparable interface to give the class a "Natural Ordering".

You can have more control by writing your Comparator class. For most cases natural ordering is fine as shown on the left but say we require a special scenario where we need to first sort by the id and then by Type. (Id and Type are attributes of a Class) We can achieve this by writing a “Comparator” class.

Example Class for Comparable:

public class Pet implements Comparable {
int petId;
String petType;
public Pet(int argPetId, String argPetType) {
petId = argPetId;
this.petType = argPetType;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Pet petAnother = (Pet)o;
//[b]natural alphabetical ordering by type[/b]
//if equal returns 0, if greater returns +ve int,
//if less returns -ve int
return [b]this.petType.compareTo(petAnother.petType);[/b]
public static void main(String[] args) {
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new Pet(2, "Dog"));
list.add(new Pet(1, "Parrot"));
list.add(new Pet(2, "Cat"));
Collections.sort(list); // sorts using compareTo method
for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Pet element = (Pet) iter.next();
public String toString() {
return petType;

If you want to sort first by Id and then Type, use Comparator.

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[quote name='HAPPYNESS' timestamp='1372797758' post='1303912601']
exzaamplee kavaliii similar kind of objects ante?

comparator example
public class People{
private String fn;
private String ln;
public People(String fn , String ln){
public String getFn(){
return fn;
public String getLn(){
return ln;


public class PeopleComparator implements Comparator<People>{

public int compare(People o1, People o2) {

return 0;



import java.util.*;
public class PeopleTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

People p1 = new People("aj", "Jr");
People p2 = new People("aj", "Sr");
People p3 = new People("aj","Jhon");
Set<People> people = new TreeSet<People>();
Iterator<People> itr = people.iterator();
People p = itr.next();



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think of shopping carts....or job searches setc....

and appy comparators to that ...u wiill get better picture

like take for example job search....try to compare the similar job like ...techs...etc..

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[quote name='Chinni_' timestamp='1372798958' post='1303912738']
what happens if u add null values to

1.array list
emi avvadu .....Hash map memory ekkuva avtundi ..Array list fixed

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[quote name='HAPPYNESS' timestamp='1372799761' post='1303912801']
emi avvadu .....Hash map memory ekkuva avtundi ..[color=#ff0000][size=5]Array list fixed[/size][/color]
:surprised-038:[size=4] arrays are fixed not array list..[/size]

[size=4]array list and vectors grow in size [/size]dynamically[size=4] [/size][size=4] .. sSa_j@il[/size]

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[quote name='HAPPYNESS' timestamp='1372799761' post='1303912801']
emi avvadu .....Hash map memory ekkuva avtundi ..Array list fixed
neeku java kuda ochu endi [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lBbeM9C_140/Uc3C9Vjh3fI/AAAAAAAAH-s/F1dYmcvzYGk/s137/brahmam_fanski.gif[/img]

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[quote name='CNATION1' timestamp='1372800283' post='1303912816']
neeku java kuda ochu endi [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lBbeM9C_140/Uc3C9Vjh3fI/AAAAAAAAH-s/F1dYmcvzYGk/s137/brahmam_fanski.gif[/img]

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ooree nee eshaloooo ....... eee bomma lu endhi ... eee questions endhi ..... deshani brashtu patisthunavu kadhraa nayanaaa.....

[quote name='Chinni_' timestamp='1372800384' post='1303912822']

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[quote name='Java01' timestamp='1372801547' post='1303912875']
ooree nee eshaloooo ....... eee bomma lu endhi ... eee questions endhi ..... deshani brashtu patisthunavu kadhraa nayanaaa.....
CITI_c$y CITI_c$y CITI_c$y

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