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Speedy recovery wishes for KanthaRao


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Kantha Rao, the popular veteran actor of the NTR, ANR and SVR era was reported to have fallen sick and is in a critical stage some weeks back. He has donned the lead roles in a line of memorable folk, mythological and social genre of movies. The aged actor who's 86 now is widely known as 'Kathi fightingula Kantha Rao' after his folklore movies.

This Wednesday, reports came out that he was hospitalized since last 2 months and his health condition was critical. Denying such reports, his daughter Suseela speaking to a popular newspaper said, "It is true he was ailing on 19th November and we hospitalized him. After a lengthy treatment, he recovered and was back home. Again, his recurring illness made us admit him once again. Now, he is regaining his health back. We are glad that many of his fans and people from the industry came forward to offer financial assistance."

Every one in Telugu film industry is wishing Kantha Rao, who carved a special niche for himself with over 400 films, a speedy recovery. We wish the same.

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