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Why Vmware Vsphere? Why Cloud? Why This Class?


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                                       Why Vmware VSphere? Why Cloud? Why This class? 
                                                  Contact [email protected] or call 609-851-9406 for more details.
Hello All,
I am guided by my passion for teaching and willingness to help students even after the training. My philosophy embedded into my program is that theory is important, but real-time scenarios and hands-on coding are essential to gaining skills needed to work successfully in the IT world. I do not believe in gimmicks as you will not see fancy slide-shows and false promises like “100% placement assistance”. I am about providing you with the best learning opportunity possible so that you can be in the best position to attain your career goals. After all, teaching is an art which I do well.
VMware VSphere is the one and only bare metal hypervisor technology which has the power to address today's demands. Learn this 5th generation hypervisor from a real expert based in USA. No other Virtualization products has the power and  capability of Vmware VSphere
VMware VSphere is the sole platfrom for today's and tomorrows Cloud infrastructure. Cloud is no more a talk, it is a reality. Understanding the internals of Virtualization and building blocks for Cloud is the best way to secure a job in todays fast moving technology world. If you know Virtualization and Cloud Computing techniques, your job is well be secure for next 7 years. 
Above all, it is easy to learn,no programming required and an interesting technology to work !! A Job that gives you six digit salary from start !!
Take a look at this very special VMware VSphere /Cloud Platfrom advanced class and experience the difference. Classes are handled by a US based technology guru who has 15 years of experience. Free Demo session will be provided for students who are interested to take this course.  An Enterprise class LAB with many ESX servers and 100's of virtual Machine. You never get such a lab anywhere else to practice for 24x7.
For Detaild Course contents :  http://dascase.com/vm_training
                                Contact [email protected] or call 609-851-9406 for more details.
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