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Bigdata Is Not For Everyone


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If you are thrilled by the "Big Data " buff world and planning to jump on to it. Think Again. Although it may see promising Bigdata /Hadoop based carrier could be challenging. With so many different course available each claiming to be best , you are more likely to get confused then to get convenience .
It was these factors which forced to be join and give a more realistic and practical option for Hadoop skillset for genuine folks. Much of the content and inputs of the course is based on my  experience in BigData domain for last 4 years.
Also you work directly with me. NO Middleman / Training company involved.
Below are the details of what i has to offer you all. Please go through it and send a communication if you would like to know  more or to get your queries answered.
 Developers:  40+ labs on HDFS , MR and other eco system components
Admin: Hands on installation of Hadoop, Apache Pig, Hive, Hbase, AWS-Hadoop service and many more
Architects/Consultants: Business case, Architecture flow, Design doc, Hadoop Performance Tuning aspects.
People planning to move from Mainframe, SAP , ERP ,.NET domain get specialized consultancy help to map there existing skillset and tune it as per Hadoop related job opportunities.
We go with a end to end , 3 phase approach to cater to your need for not only helping you with training but also with interview preparation and later job support.
Training Includes :
- Live and offline training on Hadoop , Ecosystem projects 40 Hours of recorded live training.
- 40+  Hadoop fully solved exercises (pdf form)
- Red Hat OS based Virtual machine for Labs.
- 2 set of Certification help questions 
- Sample Resumes for Admin and Developer skillsets 
Support includes :
- Helping and guiding student on day to day work w.rt to Hadoop. 
- Coding and Helping with design suggestion for Hadoop , Hive , Pig and other tasks. 
- Helping with documentation as needed - Design doc, Testing doc etc. 
- Coding any Java related stuff as part of Hadoop Work. 
Interview Preparation: 
- Walkthrough of Real time case study covering all Hadoop related tasks and questions. 
- Writing and Discussing your resume and accordingly assessing your competency level 
- 3 Mock Interviews on HDFS , Map Reduce and Misc Hadoop Topics . 
- Sharing 2 certification Question Set 
- Guiding how to do Hardware estimation, Software configuration , Map Reduce code deployment etc. 
Live Youtube videos for Reference:
Case Study:
Linked in group to participate in live project discussion:
Lastly about myself. I am 15+ exp Lead Hadoop Architect working for a Leading Financial Company . MY carrier spans across distributed programming , SOA and Cloud domain before moving to BigData space few years back.
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