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Immediate Help Needed - Critical Situtation


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Dear Andhra friends members,

Thank you all for your help till now in raising funds for my mother's treatment, who is suffering from Breast cancer.

She is weak since past 10 days and now She is admitted in KIMS Hospital, Ministers Road, Secunderabad on 6th May 2016. Her condition is deteriorating more and unfortunately the breast cancer has also spread to her Liver & abdomen part. Due to this, she is unable to eat and digest anything. She is initially treated in Chemo Day Care and was in observation for past 1 day. Just today 7th May 2016, her condition was unstable and shifted to M-ICU.

The doctors said that, her life has no risk but she needs multiple organ support mechanisms like ventilators, dialysis..etc.

As you all know we have raised around Rs. 2.5 Lakh (removing all the fees of Ketto.org) which is almost exhausted for the treatment till now.

Hence, now doctors said she needs medical attention in ICU which will be costing Rs. 60,000-70,000 per day. So, further treatment would be costing around 7-8 lakh rupees.
Once again, I tried ringing and trying all my sources, but all efforts are in vain.

I'm so sorryy to ask like this, but requesting you kindly to help me and please support me for this one last time in my mother's treatment. It would be very helpful if you could directly transfer the money to the below bank account.

If you are from hyderabad, you can pls come to visit my mother condition in KIMS Hospital, Mininster Road, Secunderabad. (IP No# 239469) and then help us out directly. She is undergoing treatment in KIMS Block - 2 , MICU-3 (5th Floor)

Also, if anyone from any trusts or organizations can help, please let them know about my mother situation who is in critical illness. If you are from America or other countries, please use https://transferwise.com/  (Many people sent us money previously in this method and suggestd this)  this will help to reach us the money in 1 working day. If you know any Indian Student groups doing Masters in US, pls connect with them, many people suggested that they would help very easily.

Bank: Andhra Bank
Name: K N K Priya
Ac No: 1441 101 000 27590  
Branch: Prakash Nagar
IFSC: ANDB0001441

Please dont think else and help me out in this critical and helpless situation. Also, kindly requesting you to Pray for my mother recovery.

I would be thankful and grateful to you all.

Please keep quoting this post, so that this will be in top 10 disuccssions in the forum.

For any further details, pls reach me Arjun +91 9901294284

So sorryy once again, and please _/\_ help me and my family.

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1 hour ago, mastercheif said:



post some proofs also dude. Some people will come forward after seeing them.


You can see all her previous medical reports here


Latest reports i don't have because the file is with the doctors itself. 

However can verify using the IP number mentioned above.

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5 hours ago, Jambhalheart said:

ltt tomorrow I 'll transfer , already I have done couple of times , will do it again.

Thanks brother. Request you to kindly spread the word to your friends also.

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6 hours ago, yomama said:

Donno why but this sounds like a scam to me. Asking money again n again..

I have posted everything.  You can clearly check and directly enquire with the hospital itself. All your doubts will be cleared 

My helpless and unfortunate situation is making me to post here. Previously I posted,  because of that I have received lot of help,  not only financially but in other ways as well.

It's upto you brother. You believe or not.

Thank you 

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