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15 hours ago, tennisluvr said:

Brought a standing desk 2 days ago, now mostly working on the laptop standing and not sitting. Question for you all, what's the recommended number of hours you can sit vs stand for optimal health. Too much standing is also not so good ani naa feeling. 

Evarikaina standing desk tho experiences unte cheppandi kaastha. 

UpDesk ani oka app untadi adi esko..

nenu 1 nhlf year nundi standing and working..

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8 Reasons You Should NEVER Drink Water While Standing

It is not just about drinking 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. It matters in what position you have the water. Do you sit and drink water, or normally have it in passing, while standing?


Some experts have uncovered that it is no old wives tale when the elders in the family ask you to sit down and then gulp your water. In fact, it is a gem of an advise that you had better heed to for a healthy living. To make the most of the water we drink it is advised to sit down and have it in small sips than glug it down in a rush while standing.

Here are some shocking scientific reasons that tell you the difference it makes to your body when you have your water standing as opposed to sitting down.

1. Standing and drinking water can cause arthritis 

This may come as a greater shock to you if you have been in a practice of drinking water in a standing position, for you may well be affected by arthritis later in life. By drinking water standing you disrupt the balance of fluids in the body, and this often leads to a greater accumulation of fluids in the joints thus triggering arthritis.

don't drink water while standing


2. Water splashes on the stomach wall when had standing

Health experts have it that by having water fast and in a standing position, you let it flow to your gut while splashing on the stomach wall. This shock from the splashing of water can cause long term damage to the digestive system as it harms the stomach wall and the gastrointestinal tract.


3. You remain thirsty when you drink water standing

Your thirst is never fully quenched when you drink water in a standing position. You feel like drinking more water very frequently. It is better to sit in a place and have smaller sips to truly quench your thirst.

4. You always suffer indigestion when you drink water standing

When you drink water sitting down your muscles and nervous system are much more relaxed and it triggers the nerves to quickly digest the fluid and with it other food items.


5. Your kidney doesn’t filter water properly when had in standing position

Drinking water in a standing position doesn’t help the filtration process of water by the kidneys. Often impurities remain in the kidneys and bladder which can lead to urinary tract disorder and even permanent damage to the kidneys.


6. Drinking water in standing position doesn’t dilute the acid levels in the body

Even Ayurveda mentions it that water must be consumed in slow, small swigs while sitting down. This helps to properly dilute the acid levels in the body by getting combined with the necessary proportion of water.

7. Drinking water by standing causes ulcers and heartburn

When you drink water in a standing position it ends up splashing the lower half of the esophagus very hard. This in return can disturb the sphincter, which is the joint between the stomach and esophagus, and as a result the esophagus experiences burning sensation because of the acids in the stomach flowing backward.

8. Your nerves are tense when you drink water standing

When you drink water standing, a ‘fight and flight system’ is activated which causes nerve tension in the body. But when you sit down and sip water, a parasympathetic system also referred to as the ‘rest and digest system’ comes into fray, this one helps to calm your senses and ease the process of digestion.

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Why You Shouldn't Stand and Drink Water, According to Ayurveda

More than two thirds of the weight of the human body is made up of water. It is essential to keep the body hydrated, and enable waste to move out of the body and improve blood circulation. It maintains spinal and cognitive health. Every day, our body loses significant amount of water. Water must be consumed in such a manner that our body is able to absorb every ounce of it. By chugging water down, we disallow our body to absorb the maximum benefits required for replenishing the system. The way one drinks water is a science that must be practiced to allow the body to thrive. The way you drink water is imperative to the way you feel throughout the day.

The world of food never fails to amuse anyone. What you eat, when you eat and how you eat are the three phrases that must be embedded deep into your mind and must be raised as questions from time to time.

We often think less before quenching our thirst, all that matters is the temperature of the water. We pay no heed to the time when the elders in our family constantly remind us to avoid drinking water while standing. It is often intriguing. Why must our posture come into play?

We Find Out

Practitioner’s of Ayurveda often propagate a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. They more often than not aim to cure one of ones problems in a holistic manner and that is where the posture comes into effect. When you stand and drink water, your nerves are in a state of tension. This then activates the sympathetic system, or the fight system. Your body is under the impression of fighting against danger.

According to Dr Dhanvantree, Ayurvedic expert, he suggests that the notion of standing up and drinking water is closely related to the speed at which water is drunk. The two are interrelated and the speed of drinking the water is extremely essential.

It is often said that standing up and drinking water accelerates the speed of drinking that water, according to Dr Dhanvantree and this is when problems like arthritis and joint damage comes into play. According to him, the Rig Vedas do mention postures, however, it is ambiguous. In the science of Ayurveda, “this particular clause is not explicitly mentioned. It is more to do with the fact that any food item must be eaten slowly. Eating slowly facilitates the digestion process and the same is true for water.”

sit and drink water

Image credit: Istock

“Water must be taken like air, slowly and steadily. Drinking at a fast rate may lead to lack of oxygen in the wind and food pipe, this could potentially give rise to heart problems and lung issues.”

Dr. Dhanvantree also goes on to say that “air goes inside the esophagus and creates pressure when water is drunk rapidly. It will lead to bone and joint degeneration, joint weakness and joint pain.” Thus, while it may seem like a mere myth, there are consequences that effect the health negatively when water is had while standing. The same consequences may recur while sitting and having water at a fast rate. Therefore, what is to be kept in mind is the speed at which water gushes down in the stomach. Since the speed is faster while standing, we are warned against it.

Believers of old tales often blindly follow such notions and now we know why. While it may depend from person to person and is subjective, to be in the best of your health it is always good to stick to nature and avoid disharmony. It might just take a few extra minutes, but it's best to sit down peacefully and then drink water.

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15 hours ago, tennisluvr said:

Sitting Is the New Smoking: Ways a Sedentary Lifestyle Is Killing You


I read that article, plus a book called "Eat Move Sleep" which recommended standing for the most part rather than sitting and working. 

Brief ga main points eyyu article lo vi

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