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Indian Prime Minister faces growing criticism as economy bites


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New Delhi (CNN)India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who came to power in 2014 with promises to boost the country's economy, is facing mounting criticism from within his own party amid concerns about slowing growth.

Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won a landslide victory in the last Indian general election, following a high-octane campaign that portrayed the 67-year-old as an economic reformer who would drive growth and create jobs for India's youthful population.
But the latest reading of India's GDP showed that growth had declined to 5.7% in the three months to the end of June — the lowest in three years.
Now, as the economy hits the buffers, a veteran leader from Modi's party who oversaw the Indian economy in the early 2000s has launched a stinging rebuke of Modi's handling of the current situation, giving rise to an unusually public spat within the ruling party.
In an op-ed piece for the local Indian Express newspaper, Yashwant Sinha, who has twice served as India's finance minister, made reference to Modi's humble roots as the son of a tea-seller while blaming his government for the weakness in growth.
"The prime minister claims that he has seen poverty from close quarters," Sinha wrote. "His finance minister (Arun Jaitley, who has been responsible for the Indian economy since Modi came to power) is working over-time to make sure that all Indians also see it from equally close quarters."
He also cited a recent report from the State Bank of India, India's largest public sector bank. "Even the SBI ... has stated with unusual frankness that the slowdown is not transient or 'technical,' it is here to stay and the slowdown in demand has only aggravated the situation," Sinha wrote.
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MUMBAI, India — At least 22 people have been killed and 35 injured in a stampede at a train station during morning rush hour in the Indian financial hub of Mumbai, according to Deepak Deoraj, spokesman for the Mumbai police department.

The deadly stampede happened around 10:30 a.m. local time Friday on a footbridge at Prabhadevi train station, formerly known as Elphinstone station, Anil Saxena, spokesman for India’s Ministry of Railways told local media.

Saxena said the crowd on the footbridge grew larger as people took cover during an unexpected rain shower. Once the rain stopped the crowd started moving and someone “must have slipped” leading to the initial blockage.

Television and social media footage from the scene shows heaving crowds of trapped commuters desperately trying to climb over railings and stairways to escape the crush, as lifeless bodies are pulled free.

In a message posted to his official social media account, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his “deepest condolences to all those who have lost their lives due to the stampede in Mumbai.”

This is the second tragedy in less than four weeks to hit the western metropolis of more than 18 million. A building collapsed in the city following a week of heavy rains at the end of August, killing more than 33 people.

India’s railways Minister Piyush Goyal is currently in Mumbai for a scheduled event. Writing on Twitter, he offered condolences to the families of those who had died in the stampede and promised a high level inquiry.

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3 minutes ago, vikuba said:

lekapotey bullet trains endhuku...sariga basic bridges kattochu ga.for all heavy commuter stations

Agreed. Bullet train is just waste of money.

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3 minutes ago, vikuba said:

MUMBAI, India — At least 22 people have been killed and 35 injured in a stampede at a train station during morning rush hour in the Indian financial hub of Mumbai, according to Deepak Deoraj, spokesman for the Mumbai police department.

The deadly stampede happened around 10:30 a.m. local time Friday on a footbridge at Prabhadevi train station, formerly known as Elphinstone station, Anil Saxena, spokesman for India’s Ministry of Railways told local media.

Saxena said the crowd on the footbridge grew larger as people took cover during an unexpected rain shower. Once the rain stopped the crowd started moving and someone “must have slipped” leading to the initial blockage.

Television and social media footage from the scene shows heaving crowds of trapped commuters desperately trying to climb over railings and stairways to escape the crush, as lifeless bodies are pulled free.

In a message posted to his official social media account, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his “deepest condolences to all those who have lost their lives due to the stampede in Mumbai.”

This is the second tragedy in less than four weeks to hit the western metropolis of more than 18 million. A building collapsed in the city following a week of heavy rains at the end of August, killing more than 33 people.

India’s railways Minister Piyush Goyal is currently in Mumbai for a scheduled event. Writing on Twitter, he offered condolences to the families of those who had died in the stampede and promised a high level inquiry.

Horrible incident. British time lo kattina bridge anta adi. 

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3 minutes ago, princeofheaven said:

even the speed is not much more than rajdhani ata

few hours travel time saved at most. antha time valuable vunna people will fly in flights. basic infra sariga lekunda , bullet trains meeda thousands of crores spending. 

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