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Vintha rape ki guraina intermediate poradu


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Lifted from Quora


What is a secret that no one knows about you?

I had this teacher in my intermediate days who was an unmarried woman of age 29.

She used to treat me good thanks to my wonderful academic skills.

One fine day she asked me whether you have girlfriend and I said no as I haven't been in any relationship.

The real story starts with my college fest commencing and everybody was busy in arranging the things for successful outing.

My teacher asked me to come over to a place for carrying some things.

As I went to that place there were two more women who were her friends.

I asked my teacher about work and she told you need to obey these ladies otherwise I won't allow you for next class.

Those two ladies started asking me questions about my sequel life and ordered me to strip off.

I rejected and those 3 women held me in their arms.

Stripped me and forced me to wear their clothes.

I said I'll complain to principal but they were like he is also our regular slave, don't show over smartness.

I had to obey their orders and wore those clothes thrown on me.

They suddenly stripped themselves and I got elated seeing those three naked women.

But soon they opened a bag containing a plastic penis (i came to know that was a strap on later)

One by one they took position and put those in my ass.

I bled that day but still managed to survive due to their care after that.

Even now when I see them I run away very badly.

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