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City Bus rams into a shop in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad


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A City Bus, belonging to Rani Ganj Bus Depot, rammed into an ice cream parlor, around a busy weekday noon in Banjara Hills Road No. 10. Four people were injured in the accident. The injured have been identified as: Mohammed Ali, Koteshwara Rao, Kiran. The name of another woman, whose condition is said to be worrisome, is not known yet.

The bus driver was immediately arrested by Banjara Hills police and their preliminary investigation has revealed that there was a brake failure, which led to the accident.

Talking to a media channel, the bus conductor said that as the bus was traveling down an inclined road in Banjara Hills, its brakes failed. Realizing the failure, the bus driver alerted the travelers, and as the bus was slowly gaining momentum he had to do something drastic to stop the bus. The conductor said that the bus driver cleverly took to the right side, from which side there was no traffic coming, and wanted to hit the walls of a shopping complex.

It however seems that the driver lost control, and the bus rammed into the shop. The shop owner has been injured severely. Locals nabbed the driver, after which the police intervened and took the driver into the custody. The neighbors complained that if the bus brakes failed, the technical departments of State Road Transport should be blamed. They also are surprised to see that not a single person from the Department had come to them as yet. They also were sarcastic saying that the department people would first go to the police station to support the bus driver than support those who have been injured.

The entire stretch of Banjara Hills, which connects to the busy Begumpet Road, is said to have been jammed after the accident. Traffic police and city police are having tough time to clear the roads.

The RTC bus drivers, especially those who work in Hyderabad, are notorius for reckless driving, and their punctuality. With this accident, both public and the government have to wake up to see that the sterner actions should be taken against the responsible personnel and make strict guidelines for traveller and crew safety.

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