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Jagan Upset With PVP?


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Jagan Upset With PVP?

PVP's comments over Special Category Status are creating a huge ruckus in political circles. With TDP and Janasena attacking YCP to the core and using PVP's own comments against YCP, YCP is on the back foot.

It's learned that YS Jagan is quite unhappy over PVP's remarks as such comments damage the party's image at this crucial juncture - right ahead of elections. Jagan may call PVP anytime and may seek PVP's clarification on his comments. While PVP maintains "no mistake" of himself and claims that his words have been "misrepresented" and used "out of context", PVP is saying that the full video of his speech should be circulated rather than sharing it in bits and pieces. Yet, the damage has been done to PVP and YCP.

Even as Jagan gave strict instructions to all YCP leaders to talk sensibly in public places and in front of media, YCP leaders are scoring one mistake after the other mistake. Recently, YCP's city spokesperson Manoj Kothari's comments have created a storm as a national news channel (Times Now) did a sting operation in which he admitted of the close association between BJP and YCP. Manoj on camera confessed that YCP would field weak candidates in constituencies where BJP's important leaders like Kanna Lakshminarayana contest.

Due to back-to-back mistakes by the party's leaders, Jagan asked its leaders to talk wisely on sensitive issues. He instructed them to not to interact with media much and asked them to rather interact with masses. While YCP disowned Manoj and ignored the matter, let's see what action the party would take on PVP now.

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15 minutes ago, manadonga said:

Akkada pvp ni chusi 10000 votes kuda ravu anni mlas tevali 

kesineni nani have strong image after tata trust 

It’s very tough for you to decide between pvp and Kesineni 😂 but finally you voted for Kesineni as he represents majority our party 🎉 

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