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Can you spot Ivanka in these photos?


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Ivanka Trump's awkward presence at the G20 Summit has triggered iconic memes and a hashtag #UnwantedIvanka.

Ivanka Trump's awkward presence at the G20 Summit has triggered iconic memes and we love it
Ivanka Trump's awkward presence at the G20 Summit has triggered iconic memes and we love it

Ever imagined Ivanka Trump at the Minar-e-Pakistan writing the Pakistan Resolution next to Jinnah and Iqbal? Fear not, now you will.

The G20 World Summit brought together 19 countries and the European Union at the International Exhibition Center in Osaka, but it was the presence of the first daughter that caught the attention of many.

Embedded video

Ivanka Trump appears to be trying to get involved in a talk among Macron, May, Trudeau and Lagarde (IMF head).
The video is released by French Presidential palace.



In a viral video, Ivanka is seen interacting with world leaders and she could not have been more out of place. People on Twitter soon realised that Ivanka has been everywhere (where she is not supposed to be) but has just been left out.

Did you know that Ivanka originally wrote 'I Have a Dream' for Martin Luther King and was also the first woman to land on the moon


Haters will say it's fake


Ivanka at Abbey Road. Rumour has it that she was the fifth member of The Beatles!


Somebody please photoshop Ivanka the unwelcome interloper boxing way above her weight into the following:
- Megan Rapinoe’s goal celebration
- Nixon-Elvis meeting
- Beyoncé’s Coachella performance
- Curies’ lab
- constitutional convention
- cast of Big Little Lies



And the seventh friend



Blessed be the fruit? We think not!



Ivanka Trump making history of sorts


Just checked out the trending #unwantedivanka hashtag on Twitter and amazed at the Photoshop skills out there. I mean, ancient Egypt?



Did you happen to catch her cameo in Twilight?


Ivanka in the line of action with the American troops. Who says she doesn't do anything?


Twitter did not hold back


Here is what the person who started it had to say about it:


The reason I started the #UnwantedIvanka hashtag was because I find her presence in high level diplomatic talks embarrassing, ridiculous, and dangerous. The reason it took off is that *lots* of people, from all over the world, apparently agree.



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