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Ansible case statement examples ?


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when ansible talks to a server, ansible gather information called ansible_facts of that server like OS type (Debian, Centos etc), version (7,8 etc), ip etc.

Based on this information you can use conditional statements.

  - name: "shut down Debian flavored systems"
    command: /sbin/shutdown -t now
    when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian"
    # note that all variables can be used directly in conditionals without double curly braces

Variables defined in the playbooks or inventory can also be used, which means you define a variable in the playbook and use it in conditional statements

  epic: true
  monumental: "yes"

    - shell: echo "This certainly isn't epic!"
      when: not epic


    - command: echo {{ item }}
      loop: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]
      when: item > 5

it will print only 6, 8, 10


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1 hour ago, bhaigan said:

Anybody know

@Spartan throw some light regarding examples

same like if/when condition in general programming language...

u plan to run certain configuration rule, when the Condition defined in the case matches..

it may vary from OS type to, String matching etc....

paina Kumar uncle vesina example is one of them...


usecase:  you write one runbook for all Linux flavors, but want to omit or mandatorily run some configs on certain flavors, in that case u use these conditional stmts..

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