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Don't worry about the new DOL and USCIS rules. The cavalry is coming


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Sweeping Changes Will Alter H-1B Process and Harm American Businesses

AILA Doc. No. 20100700 | Dated October 7, 2020 

October 7, 2020

George Tzamaras
[email protected]
Belle Woods
[email protected]


WASHINGTON, DC - Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) H-1B Strengthening Interim Final Rule and Department of Labor (DOL) Prevailing Wage Interim Final Rule were posted by DHS and DOL, respectively, in the Federal Register for public inspection. Notably, the DOL Prevailing Wage Interim Final Rule will go into effect less than 36 hours after posting. These interim final rules upend decades of requirements for the H-1B program without so much as giving the businesses, employees, and stakeholder community impacted by the rules adequate opportunity to voice their concerns before they take effect.

According to Benjamin Johnson, AILA’s Executive Director, “Contrary to the narrative promoted by DHS and DOL, and echoed by restrictionist groups, these rules will have crippling effects on American businesses, and the economy at large. These regulations will lay the groundwork for the pricing out of foreign labor, which is essential to the solvency of countless American businesses. Under the guise of economic recovery, the government is essentially halting the pipeline of global talent needed for innovation and economic success.”

AILA President Jennifer Minear added, “Foreign workers play a vital role in the American economy, but the DHS and DOL regulations will create nearly insurmountable barriers to their hiring. Not only do these rules inappropriately scapegoat immigrants for the ills of our current economic downturn, but they are also self-defeating. These rules will undoubtedly hamstring a process proven to bring some of the world’s best and brightest into American businesses. American workers and businesses only stand to suffer as a result of these changes until these rules are challenged and overturned in court.”


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Good Post

The stressed out folks in this DB need this

There will be plenty of lawsuits in the coming months and both the rules will be shot down.

Meanwhile just relax, put transfers, Amendments or extensions on hold till the end of the year

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1 minute ago, JambaKrantu said:

Good Post

The stressed out folks in this DB need this

There will be plenty of lawsuits in the coming months and both the rules will be shot down.

Meanwhile just relax, put transfers, Amendments or extensions on hold till the end of the year

Yes. Option vunte that is best.

But some people don't have that option. Like people who waited till last minute to apply for extensions , people are who are nearing 6 years max out and have to apply for PERM immediately etc. 

There will be some victims. 

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Just now, snoww said:

Yes. Option vunte that is best.

But some people don't have that option. Like people who waited till last minute to apply for extensions , people are who are nearing 6 years max out and have to apply for PERM immediately etc. 

There will be some victims. 


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Just now, phatposts said:

AILA gaallu wage matrame fight chesi - 1 year restriction unchestaremo.

there is no free lunch in this world.

Lol, aa rule ni fight cheyyataaniki ITServe undi gaa

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