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Baba Vanga, real name Vangelia Gushterova, was nicknamed the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans' for her bizarre claims. She lost her vision at the age of 12 and claimed that at the same time she became aware that she was given her a very rare gift from God to see into the future. She predicted the universe will end in 5079 and has supposedly revealed incidents in the years in between. She knew about the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the September 11, attack in 2001, the death of Princess Diana, and the Chernobyl disaster and was said to have got 85% of her predictions right.


Right before her death at the age of 85 in 1996, she said 2021 will be the year a cure for cancer is found.


Baba Vanga claimed: "At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer.

"The day will come when cancer will get tied with iron chains.”

But things don't look good for President Donald Trump as he leaves the White House, as Baba Vanga said he will apparently suffer from a "mysterious disease".

She claimed the 45th POTUS will become sick with a "mysterious disease that will leave him deaf, and cause brain trauma".

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11 minutes ago, r2d2 said:

But things don't look good for President Donald Trump as he leaves the White House, as Baba Vanga said he will apparently suffer from a "mysterious disease".

She claimed the 45th POTUS will become sick with a "mysterious disease that will leave him deaf, and cause brain trauma".


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3 hours ago, r2d2 said:

Baba Vanga, real name Vangelia Gushterova, was nicknamed the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans' for her bizarre claims. She lost her vision at the age of 12 and claimed that at the same time she became aware that she was given her a very rare gift from God to see into the future. She predicted the universe will end in 5079 and has supposedly revealed incidents in the years in between. She knew about the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the September 11, attack in 2001, the death of Princess Diana, and the Chernobyl disaster and was said to have got 85% of her predictions right.


Right before her death at the age of 85 in 1996, she said 2021 will be the year a cure for cancer is found.


Baba Vanga claimed: "At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer.

"The day will come when cancer will get tied with iron chains.”

But things don't look good for President Donald Trump as he leaves the White House, as Baba Vanga said he will apparently suffer from a "mysterious disease".

She claimed the 45th POTUS will become sick with a "mysterious disease that will leave him deaf, and cause brain trauma".

https://www.theonion.com/ ni baga follow avutavu anukunta.

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