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13 minutes ago, Lonelyloner said:

Just because there are less scams in Ayurveda and Homeopathy when compared with large scale global pharma in the name of drugs and treatment doesnt make Ayurveda and Homeopathy taken as granted.

Vaccine for flu is dubious

similarly Ayurveda for emergency situations are useless


How do you define emergency situation,. . . . If you mean an accident??? Then what do the ambulance or a corporate hospital do, hardly first aid first, then if breathing issues then ventilator, then few situations requires surgeries, or fracture cases lo plaster of paris tho kattu kattadam. . . asalu prapanchaniki surgeries nerpinchindey ayurveda pitamahudu sushrutha maharshi. . . . .  X-ray lekunda just fracture ayina hand/leg/shoulder ki pasaru mandhutho correct ga fracture ayina bone or dislocate ayina joint ni back thechi correct ga kurchobetti kattu katti 1 month lo cure chestharu puttur(chittor dist) lo. . its also ayurveda based. . 

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20 minutes ago, Assam_Bhayya said:

How do you define emergency situation,. . . . If you mean an accident??? Then what do the ambulance or a corporate hospital do, hardly first aid first, then if breathing issues then ventilator, then few situations requires surgeries, or fracture cases lo plaster of paris tho kattu kattadam. . . asalu prapanchaniki surgeries nerpinchindey ayurveda pitamahudu sushrutha maharshi. . . . .  X-ray lekunda just fracture ayina hand/leg/shoulder ki pasaru mandhutho correct ga fracture ayina bone or dislocate ayina joint ni back thechi correct ga kurchobetti kattu katti 1 month lo cure chestharu puttur(chittor dist) lo. . its also ayurveda based. . 


Ayurveda slow acting, and not available at every town puttur kattu. Also pain management and sleep are better with allopathy





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A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What is there in a name?

Shakespeare was mistaken. He didn’t know. Name is everything.

Read on carefully.


  1. Like cures like (herbal extracts)
  2. Minimal dose
  3. Symptoms lead to the clue to the imbalance. Symptoms are not treated
  4. Not evidence based system but it is witness (the patient) based
  5. Simple, but may be time consuming.


  1. All diseases are manifestations of imbalance of three doshas
  2. Symptoms lead to the clue to the imbalance. Symptoms are not treated
  3. Cure is to balance them using herbal extracts
  4. Not evidence based system but it is witness (the patient) based
  5. Simple, but may be time consuming.


  1. Allopathy first draws a list of some statistical values from a set of people, usually of Western countries. Then it calculates, average/mean values. Next comes the scientific part. It conspires to translate this average values in to normal values! And make it universal for the whole world! The trick is to make any figure away from the average figure, into diseases. (In this way, a bright student in a class is abnormal, if you consider the average!) Once you have devised diseased figures, you have no dearth of patients. You can play with them leisurely.
  2. Allopathy reacts only to the symptoms. This is a direct fall out of evidence-based theory. It will believe only what it sees. Take the case of uterine fibroids. Still the modern science doesn’t know what causes fibroids. It only has a technique to remove them, if it is found in uterus. Does a removal precludes further occurrence? Certainly no. We are not getting to the cause. We are just removing the manifestations. The only alternative is to remove the uterus itself! To ask further is unscientific, I suppose.
  3. Take the case of cardiac problems. For too long we have been blaming fat and cholesterol, scientifically. After 50 years we are made to eat our own words along with fats. Was it science when it proclaimed the fats as the offender, 50 years ago? Or exonerating fat now, is science? Simply all these things are jumping conclusions. Hardly you can call it science or evidence based.
  4. Cancer? Less said, the better. We know nothing of it. But cancer is subdivided into carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, leukaemia etc
  5. Diabetes. More said the better. Mark my words. Next reversal of theory (after fat) is going to be on this one. No one has any clarity on hyperglycemia and diabetes. Are the drugs make our diabetics any safe from further complications? There is no assurance of it. If not, we can always blame the patients for non-compliance.
  6. All the diseases that allopathy claims to cure, is to treat the symptoms of the disease only. No disease’s root cause is known. Or at least, we are not making efforts to know it. Perhaps, it yields no money. The interest is to keep the patients afloat, not to let them die, so that they will be milked all along. Simple.
  7. In 2014 Ebola struck in Guinea. Soon whole Africa and the world burnt. After much ado, Ebola receded by itself. But please wait till a vaccine is discovered for Ebola. Then history will be rewritten as if the 2014–16 Ebola outbreak was controlled by this Ebola vaccine. It will be rewritten retrospectively. Correct me if I am wrong.
  8. Nutrition. It is an industry by itself. No one knows if it is part of allopathy or not. But wants to side with allopathy.
  9. Each and every symptom is a disease by itself. And their collection will be a different disease and a speciality.
  10. Their naming culture is to be relished. Earlier it was COLD, now it is called COPD.
  11. When mucus is in nose and pharynx, it is upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). When it is in bronchi then it is lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). It is also affectionately called pneumonia.
  12. Evidence based. It is in their bottomline.
  13. Complicated. Overall, diseases may never end, but each episode tend to be short.
  • But, how do they compare?

These are essentially simple comparisons. One can go on deeply, to no avail.

Proof of the pudding is in the eating. Isn’t it? How do they cure?

Unfortunately for us currently all three major systems are in race to decimate the humanity. Cure is nowhere in sight. They all fail equally. Why?

Because we failed to understand our body. We failed to appreciate our body’s working and its contribution to our health.

We haughtily think that our health is in our medicines. We contemptuously dismiss the body’s healing power. We arrogantly think and try to treat every symptom as a disease. This is where our fault lies.

Most of our diseases are brought on by us (Not all, but a vast majority of them all. May be 90%) by an ignorant and wild lifestyle.

Medical interference should be kept to a bare minimum, only when emergencies come about (or the other 10% of diseases). Normally we should let our body to heal itself.

It is better to prevent diseases, rather than cure after inviting them. Isn’t it?

What to do then? Follow this simple lifestyle.

  1. Eat in moderation, when hungry. Enjoy your food.
  2. Drink water when thirsty.
  3. Sleep in nights.

Simple isn’t it? Unfortunately, simple solutions are looked down upon condescendingly.

Somehow, we feel this above lifestyle is old-fashioned and contemptuous.

We will return to health only if we follow a simple and natural lifestyle. Sure. Try and see for yourself.

Then you won’t need any pathy(s)…

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