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Groping without 'skin to skin' contact is not sexual assault, rules Bombay High Court


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There must be physical contact -- 'skin-to-skin contact with sexual intent' -- and mere groping would not amount to sexual assault, ruled the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court recently. The HC opined that touching a minor's chest would not amount to sexual assault unless the accused removed the top worn by the girl or slid his hand within her garment.

This was the ruling pronounced by a single-judge bench of Justice Pushpa Ganediwala while modifying the conviction of a man, who was sentenced to jail for sexually assaulting a minor girl.

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42 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

that's why religion is sometimes useful to set basic ground rules, without them getting lost in their self serving rational world. humans can justify anything they want to, if they try hard enough, and get enough people to agree with them.

before we rail against religion, we should know that there are much bigger evils lurking around. for eg. the current atheist community is full of racists and bigots, its scary.

I respect religious people. I find most of them decent, with some quirky beliefs that are mostly harmless to large groups.

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50 minutes ago, dasari4kntr said:

If enough Hindus with faith revolt against Hindutva, it doesn't stand a chance. for eg.

nothing else can stop it.

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ftr, I don't care about courts or their fcuking silly judgements.

I just posted this to show how educated people can rationalise anything with their power. and that rationality is not a weapon you can trust to corner these people.

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power is no more structured around religion. even in India.

It weaponises a multitude of identities now. There's no single source of power. everyone has an opinion now, and wants to feel part of the process. watching BJP wade through serious setbacks to their disingenuous ideology in Bengal, and even in TamilNadu has taught me never to generalise BJP voters are just rabid Hindutva.

I'm convinced that BJP's opponents are not working hard enough, not using all the tools at their disposal, and with similar commitment BJP can be easily defeated. Hindutva may take a lot of time to go away. like 100yrs.

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See how flexible Hindutva fcuks are. In Assam, they openly called for keeping Bengalis out of Assam..

and then in Bengal now, they are still able to capitalize on the anti mamata sentiment, and have a good chance at winning in the coming elections. Its hilarious that bengalis are considering voting for a bunch of people who spit on them outside of bengal.

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funniest thing is, religious people are more flexible than most other such groups. 

majority muslims wouldn't know about the disgusting parts of their hadiths. majority of Hindus don't know of the casteism and misogyny buried deep in their religious texts. They are always in a hurry to include the best stuff from their current culture and ascribe it to their religion like it was already there since time immemorial.

ofcourse social attitudes take longer time to update via religious groups, but Xians have done it. Even before the church declared homsexuals as acceptable, it became acceptable in their society. It didn't come from the constitution or the govt. It came from the liberal values that their religion taught, and enough people holding their ground against orthodoxy.


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