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40% converted , mari intha darunama


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1 minute ago, JambaKrantu said:

40% is an exxagaration. It is more like 10%

Who said u that, there are 1000 pastors from R caste in ap..... So e level lo convert chepistunaro janalni nuv think chey

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15 minutes ago, NiranjanGaaru said:

Who said u that, there are 1000 pastors from R caste in ap..... So e level lo convert chepistunaro janalni nuv think chey

Bodi gadu silent ga sutha kusunadu edina cheyali va

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56 minutes ago, NiranjanGaaru said:

Telangana reddla sangathi naaku telidu gaaani,ap reddies matram 30- 40% converted e!!Yv subba eddy gadu pedda converted Christian, he attended bro anil and ys sharmila gospel meetings and suvaartha prakatinchamanadu...... Alantodni ttd chairman chessadu piece piece reddy gadi koduku yeduguguri sandinti samuel jalaga mohan reddy , ttd chairman aina tarvtha a videos YouTube nunchi teinchadu

But ekado okadegara dorikipothar ga mana @csrcsr dorikipoinattu, 

@BeerBob123 @MiryalgudaMaruthiRao

Kaka adhi vijayamma di kada Bible 


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8 minutes ago, pahelwan said:

Bodi gadu silent ga sutha kusunadu edina cheyali va


Bodi em chesthadu va.... Kanipisthe kallu pattukutunadu... Bodi is enjoying but big danger telskolekapothunadu

source: https://joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/10_40_window

Enormous state resources in Andhra are geared towards rapid conversions and denationalization even at the cost of the state reaching bankruptcy.   Jagan appointed about nearly 2.5 lac volunteers (one for every 50 households) paying them honorarium of Rs 5000/- per month who aid and/or actively engage in conversions (even adding multi crore awards on top of it), using public funds to pay salaries to Pastors (Hindu priests payments are from Hindu temple resources), building churches with public funds,  with district collectors and SP providing all help. Police were booking cases against whoever complaints against fake caste benefits, illegal churches, conversion or intimidation. 

Deeply entrenched network of Western agencies like US CIA, USAID, State Department with Missionaries and local players to further Western ‘Deep State’ agenda

Joshua project diabolical agenda in India working closely with US CIA, USAID is recorded in this Tehelka undercover investigation (when they were true to journalism) in the early 2000’s that should terrify any patriot of this country because it has cultural as well as national security implications.


Rajiv Malhotra’s groundbreaking book, ‘Breaking India’ gives many details of this dangerous agenda from history to today.    Jagan and family are implementing this dangerous agenda for power and profit that will utterly destroy India’s fabric.


The torture Saga and the return of the ‘Inquistion’ – supporting abusers, threatening activists/lawyers and blatant violations of constitution (pastor/imam salaries, building churches with public funds while state is bankrupt)

Jagan and his family, particularly his brother-in-law Anil Kumar has emboldened Christian fanatics in the state with temple burnings, illegal churches and conversions while suppressing genuine voices against these illegal activities. Andhra IPS Officer in charge of Andhra CID PV Sunil Kumar who was recently in news for bashing Hindus led a team that tortured pro-Hindu MP Raghuram Krishnam Raju. Apparently one of his team members sat on the chest of the MP (who recently had a heart surgery) and asked him to unlock and hand over to him the smartphone. Just few days ago there were efforts to put up a statue of Islamic tyrant Tipu Sultan who has committed many atrocities against Hindus in Karnataka and Kerala in efforts to build Muslim vote bank. Virulent Hindu haters are supported with public funds as seen from recent efforts of the Government attempt to sanction 17 lacs of public funds to Kathi Mahesh who was met with an accident. Kathi Mahesh was earlier banned from entering Hyderabad for his abuse of Hindu gods. This Hindu abuser is whom the state chose to fund when the State is suffering immensely for lack of funds even to pay employee salaries, pensions or even farmers for their produce.   


To this day, not a single case of attacks on Hindu worship places has been resolved.  Police said the acts are that of a mad person, but somehow the mad person would target only Hindu temples!  These vandalism was categorized as a ‘law and order’ issue instead of  as targeted hate crimes against Hindu religion.  Interestingly, those attacks stopped suddenly after the furor by Hindu community over them.  The person accused by police (apparently a mentally challenged 50 year old Muslim) in the burning of Antarvedi temple chariot died in an ‘accident’.  Abusing the Hindu Endowments act they are filling the employees in temples with almost all non-Hindus who have little regard for Hinduism.  As if that is not enough, the Jagan Government itself using public funds (25 crores for 248 churches) to build mega-churches, even issuing tenders.  Hindu Organizations were not able to find lawyers to file cases against State Government blatant violations of constitution such as salaries to Pastors and Imams, Government building churches or the non-Hindus employed in temples  because the lawyers are threatened and are afraid for their life and livelihood to take up the cases.   Is this the return of the medieval inquisition of the church?

Christianized Andhra security structure – fanatics & fake religion certificates

Christian invasions and conversions happen by first capturing the prominent people and then through propaganda and other mechanisms capture power.  Once power is captured, there will be systematic persecution to force the non-converts.  To pursue this agenda requires a strong security force.   In the initial phase it works by keeping an eagle clad eye on those who oppose conversions agenda and facilitate those who are engaging conversions by protecting them.  Later phases will use blatant force.  Jagan home minister Mekathoti Sucharita is a self declared Christian who illegally got elected from a SC reserved constituency by faking a religion certificate.  Hindu bashing Christian convert Sunil Kumar who also tortured MP Raghuram Raju is in charge of CID . He openly admitted he was a Christian.   Sources say most of Andhra police is Christianized and it has reached point of no return, which is why there is no chance of atrocities against Hindus or Hindu worship places ever being fairly investigated .  Within days of Jagan taking power, circulars were sent out to many local police forces in some areas to protect only minority worship places when in reality the Hindu worship places were the targets of attack.  

Christianized Andhra Police structure



Dangerous Break India agenda – Vote banks, pathological hate for India and its culture in the young

What is the agenda behind these activities?   The Western Christian missionaries have been working to convert Andhra for some time with currently almost 95% of SC and 10 to 20% of STs comprising 20% of total state population already converted.   (Some say that this number is  30% and by the end of Jagan’s term it could be higher).  The Western Christian mafia formula in India is Christians + Muslims + Dalits to capture Power in India and  then convert the rest of India to Christianity through covert and overt means.  They aid and encourage radical Islamists to weaken and terrorize Hindu society along with a new group of Christian fanatics as the number of Christians increase.  This is nothing new, they have been doing similar things for the last 2000 years in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia.   With 10% Muslims population Jagan has to just please two communities to get a solid vote bank and get a stranglehold on power in the state while dividing the rest based on caste and other divisions.   

Conversions in Andhra first went into high gear during the time of Jagan’s father YSR who was even visited by US President George Bush Jr, a declared evangelist who used Faith based funding for conversions, a first for a US President to visit a state leader. Even though the current center under Modi has curbed the flow of foreign funds for illegal conversions, the conversion industry has become a self-sustaining business where the gullible are brainwashed into paying 10% of their income to pastors who spread blatant lies and abuse Hinduism and India along with false India’s history. 

Such is the perversion that these pastors, including those like converted IPS officer PV Sunil Kumar, say India was saved by British and white Christians when British imperialism is the reason why India is what it is today!!!  Swami Vivekananda rightly said, when a Hindu gets converted to Christianity or Islam, it is not just a loss of Hindu to other religions but also a hater to Hindu religion.  Not just Hindu religion, they are creating hate towards the country.  They are openly saying they will deliver India to Christianity.    Some say, 90% of the Wardens in SC/ST schools are converted Christians who are brainwashing the young children both in Andhra and Telangana.  These children are coached to hate their own country and its culture creating a very dangerous situation in the country.    Many of these forces are using Ambedkar and Buddhism as a front but they are mostly Hindu hating Christians.   Ambedkar himself strongly opposed to conversions to Christianity and Islam and called it denationalization. ambedkar-on-conversions.jpg

Christian Love Jihad, Migration of Muslims to create solid vote banks in every constituency, illegal churches (Christian Land Jihad), nothing spared as target for dubious conversions

Now pastors and Christian fanatics are also into love Jihad with money paid depending on which Hindu caste girl you marry and convert  to Christianity similar to what Muslims do in Islamic love Jihad.  According to activists, they are even migrating Muslims from other parts to various districts in Northern Andhra which never had Muslims to carefully create solid vote banks in each constituency, perhaps carefully guided by missionary forces.  Such is their planning for conversions, that they are targeting security personnel in apartment complexes first so that they can gain entry and convert the people in the complexes!  No public place is safe from conversion agenda in Andhra and Telangana today, whether it is hospitals, temples, prisons or a small remote village or a big town.  While per census there are only 1.8% Christians, the number of Churches in the state is 2 or 3 times more than the number of temples built over millennia.  Even a remote village in Andhra (and Telangana) have multiple churches whether there is a Hindu temple or not.  Many times these churches are built on public lands (amounting to land jihad) and close to worship places.  When a Hindu organization inquired with the Tirupathi Collector’s office whether any one of the 100+ churches around Tirupati were legal, the answer came back as ‘ZERO’.   Missionaries first target is worship places because converting the worshipful will provide a ripe material for more conversions and for eventual conversion of ‘Pagan’ worship place as a Church or a Museum or just demolish it.   Note that even before independence, Church was the biggest non-agricultural land owner of India due to grants from British times.


All the evils of the Church in the West are creeping in India with activities like, ‘Nagna Prardhana’ (i.e, prayers while naked!) and scores of church abuse are showing up.   There are a myriad of dubious Human Rights Organizations such as HLRN (Human Rights Law Network), SWAERO (of Praveen Kumar) and many others today in India which are basically dangerous Western missionary fronts working to denationalize and break India.

Jagan Deception to win elections and keep his cases at bay

Jagan before elections (visits to temples


Jagan after elections (destruction of temples



From history – Jagan blew up Hindu temple in 2013 in Anantapur



From History:  Like father (YSR), like son (Jagan)


Jagan before cases (touches Modi feet)


Jagan after cases (or witnesses compromised)



Wonder what will happen?  Will he even show up to receive Modi at the airport? Will he care if BJP loses more states? Guess!

For every Hitler there is a Goebbels -How Prashant Kishor helped Jagan to fool Hindus and Andhra voters

For the rise of Jagan to the position of CM with such massive support, Prashant Kishor perhaps played a big part.   Propagandist Gobbels portrayed Hitler not as a politician but as a god-like figure, changing messages to different audiences, stressing him as leader at the top who only cared for Germany, nay Germany itself.   Prashant Kishore helped Jagan blatantly manipulate the Hindu voters portraying Jagan as more Hindu than Hindus, with Jagan making tours for temples, doing ablutions, consulting with a Hindu seer who seem to have no clue, to have Jagan seen as an amicable image who will work also for Hindus along with all people of Andhra.  (He did similar things with Mamata in West Bengal).  Soon after elections were won, the day results announced the conversion agenda started.   Jagan who seemed more Hindu than Hindu earlier would not even light a lamp in the meetings because it is a ‘pagan’ practice.  What a shame?   Little knowledge of their own culture,  aping the very forces that destroyed India, this man is going to save Andhra!!   Prashant Kishor may think he is a great strategist but at what cost to the country he is doing this by fooling voters and supporting corrupt people like Jagan and Mamata who are wreaking havoc?   Andhra and West Bengal have increasingly become Christian and Islamic jihadi states with little hope for economic improvements.    Then there is another person Vijay Sai Reddy, who was the first accused by CBI for helping Jagan and his father to do all the shady activities.  He is a chartered accountant who helped Jagan and YSR to get the kickbacks for favors amassing enormous wealth.  Both Jagan and him were convicted and jailed and are currently out on bail. 



Prashant Kishor nursing wounds against BJP (with little thought to the future of the country) or is he a representative of break India forces?

Apparently, Prashant Kishor is nursing wounds against Amit Shah for not crediting him for his work with BJP in 2014 (which perhaps a problem with BJP) and is now being  used by Global break India forces to project him as a strategist to take on Modi 2024.   To what end one may ask.   British ruled 350 million Indians with only 100,000 British because they just needed willing Indians to sabotage their own country.   India is currently facing dangerous forces, with China CCP on one side,  Taliban/Pakistan on other side and aggressive Global elite cum missionary forces who see the nationalism of Modi with India progressing and achieving its innate potential as a threat.   Global elites do not want India to rise like China did which they consider as another challenge to their dominance and they want to control, contain and convert India (see my blog https://SatyaBlog.org).   It is also possible that Prashant Kishor is employed by break India forces such as Global elite cum missionaries cartel as a local player for their agenda with a huge payback.

Colossal plunder of state treasury for freebies and conversion agenda throwing state into a dangerous debt trap 

Just to give an idea of fanatic raj Jagan is heading in Andhra, per Economic Times in Jan 3, 2021, during bifurcation of state in June 2014, the state had a loan of Rs 97,000/- crores and by Nov 2020 it was 3.73 lakh crores.  In the first eight months of then financial year (FY 2020-21) alone he spend Rs 70,082 crores and almost all of it for freebies and other schemes, all leading the state fast into bankruptcy!   This would provide him solid vote banks for perpetual power but who will foot the bill at the end?  

Jagan’s Government is spending Rs 1500 crores/- per year on 2.5 lac volunteers many who are believed to aid or abet conversions.  This also amounts to bribery and perpetual power to continue his conversion agenda.   Per Pgurus article, ‘Is Andhra Government robbing Ram to pay Robert and Rahim’ it lists the following and draws parallel to what happened during conversion of ‘Pagan’ Europe into Christianity during medieval times.  

  1. New Church construction:  Upto Rs 1,00,000
  2. Church Repair:  Upto Rs 30,000
  3. Christian Hospital: Upto Rs 10,00,000
  4. Christian School Building: Upto Rs 5,00,000
  5. Christian Orphanage: Upto Rs 5,00,000
  6. Christian Old Age Home: Upto Rs 5,00,000
  7. Christian Commumunity Hall cum Youth resource Center: Upto Rs 5,00,000

The Hindu article talks about how Government allocated 25 crores to construct 248 Churches.   The Organizer article questions the legality of payments of Honorariums to Pastors/Imams and the amounts paid to Christian workers.  It asks if Christians constituted 1.39% of AP population, then how did 43.99% of the payments (out of 33.92 crores allocated) goes to Christians.  Government is also spending large amounts on paying for Christian institutions and conversions (while on other hand they were attempting to sell TTD properties without any Hindus consent).   

While the center may have attempted to curb the foreign inflow for conversion and break India agenda, Jagan has made up more than by looting the treasury and bankrupting the state.  Basically instead of foreign agents, India is now paying to destroy itself.  The other question is also given the enormous plunder of Jagan during his fathers’ reign for which he is currently on bail, what is the guarantee that how much of these funds were not stolen?  Did Andhra voters give the key to state treasury to a dangerously manipulative religious fanatic and a thief?


India in throes of Medieval Christianity

While enlightened Christians in the West are increasingly going towards Hinduism, India is being subjected to medieval Christianity.  Converted people like Jagan and family and those like Suneel kumar have no clue about their own country and culture.   But do they know the truth about Christianity or even if they know they care?   Apparently the burning or attacks of temples in Andhra  is by RSS or by some other local political party.  Interesting.  Perhaps RSS also broke the ‘Pagan’ temples all across Europe when Christianity took over.  In her best selling book, ‘The Darkening Age: The Christian destruction of the Classical World’ Catherine Nixey gives exceptional account of  enormous murder and vandalism wrought by Christian religious zealotry in Europe.  I personally visited Turkey where every magnificent pre-Christian era Pagan temples were demolished and destroyed, saw defacing of elaborate temples in Egypt and wholesale conversion of Pagan temples into Churches all over South America.     

Remains of the Temple of Bel in Palmyra, once a Hellenistic place of worship during early Christian era.





Compare the above with below what is happening in Andhra.





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1 hour ago, NiranjanGaaru said:

Telangana reddla sangathi naaku telidu gaaani,ap reddies matram 30- 40% converted e!!Yv subba eddy gadu pedda converted Christian, he attended bro anil and ys sharmila gospel meetings and suvaartha prakatinchamanadu...... Alantodni ttd chairman chessadu piece piece reddy gadi koduku yeduguguri sandinti samuel jalaga mohan reddy , ttd chairman aina tarvtha a videos YouTube nunchi teinchadu

But ekado okadegara dorikipothar ga mana @csrcsr dorikipoinattu, 

@BeerBob123 @MiryalgudaMaruthiRao

Anta mosha support tone jarugutundi kada 

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10 minutes ago, manadonga said:

Anta mosha support tone jarugutundi kada 

Moshah ki ground level knowledge ledu from ap.... 

People who are giving feedback like iyr krishna rao, ramana deekshitlu, subramainam swamy, (swaroopananda to RSS) 

All sold out to jagan @JustChill_Mama

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