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Desi student got shot in canada -RIP


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“'Your son, Kartik, is no more.’ It was this call that I got last Thursday that disrupted my life. Kartik, my son, was the light of my life – he was a doting son and the most dependable friend. He was that guy who was everyone’s favorite, you know? Even his teachers adored him! He was never the kind to pick a fight or speak ill about someone. Oh and he was also very focused. So when he came to me and said, ‘Papa, I want to study abroad,’ I immediately started making arrangements for him. He cleared all his exams and even got into his dream university in Canada – he was so happy! And as a father, I was proud! 
But when the time came for him to leave, 3 months ago, I felt like I wasn’t ready to see him go, that too so far; kabhi humse durr nahi raha tha na. But I knew just how excited he was – so at the airport, while seeing him off and wishing him luck, I said what every dad says, ‘Bas dhyaan rakhna!’ 
Life after Kartik left had become a bit dull. But everyday, I’d look forward to his video calls – he’d take us around in Canada. Our family group would buzz with all the pictures and videos he’d share. – he was so happy!. Recently, he’d even gotten a part-time job. He was in fact on his way to the office when it happened…
We’d spoken to him that morning as he was making breakfast. I remember I made fun of the strawberry shake he was having and asked, ‘Wahan bhi Roofafza?’ I loved annoying him. Little did I know that would be the last laughter we would share together. After, I got a frantic call from his flatmate who said, ‘Kartik isn’t answering calls. He hasn’t reached work. We have no idea where he is!’ It was early morning here, but I sprung out of my bed and asked her to contact the police. The next two hours, until that tragic phone call from police, were spent pacing the room. I didn’t tell anyone. But when I got the most devastating news of my life – ‘Your son was shot’ – I broke down! How could this be? My Kartik, my 21-year-old boy? Who would do this? WHY would they do this? I had no answers! When I broke the news to my wife, she wasn’t ready to accept it. All she kept saying was, ‘Aap jhooth bol rahe ho. Nothing has happened to my son!’ It took her a day to accept the truth, we cried together. But after the initial shock wore off, I was filled with anger. I wanted to look the person in the eye and ask why?! Sunday night, the police said, ‘We’ve identified someone.’ Apparently, that man had shot him, had shot another. I asked them to press charges. 
It’s been a week since we lost Kartik… We haven’t seen his body yet… I’m not sure how my hands that taught him how to ride a cycle will also light his pyre… It still feels like he has gone for a trip and will be back home anytime soon… 
I’ll be flying down to Canada soon for the proceedings; I won’t rest till I see the culprit behind bars and get #JusticeForKartik ”

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