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The majority of upper caste, middle class Indian is not just ignorant


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They are anti-poor, quickly taken in by success stories of bullies. 

There is a pretense of scruples when there are none. They construct a narrative of being well behaved, hard working but are stingy with kindness. That child is less because dark or has a lesser package or got a lesser percentage in school. 

They live in victim complex because poor get free ration and they dont. 

Too scared to show their true selves to their own family too. Eat meat outside the house but dont tell their family.  Happily forwarding videos of meat ban and it’s impact on a certain religion. 

As opportunist as any other class but no spine to even figure what is it they truly believe in or not. To fit in, they will flow with the narrative. Do engineering because everyone is. Modi ji best because everyone says so. 

Will pay donations, private university fee for their children but curse reservation. 

Will talk about gender equality but happily flaunt or gossip about who received what in their wedding. 

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what exactly I've been saying in this db since 2016 when Rohit Vemula got mocked for being killed.

friendly advice, don't waste your time in this db.

ofcourse if you want me to mind my own sh1t.. I understand.

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there's a world there outside this disgusting 'middle class' scum, hope you find it.

these people are not even middle class, actually. The real middle class is ones who make between 10k-15k in India.

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then again, I don't understand your stand too.. coz you support Congress, which is also anti-poor. perhaps a little less than BJP, but they are all the same.

anyway. out.

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