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Denial To Prisoner To Perform Conjugal Relation For Progeny Would Adversely Affect Rights of His Wife', Rajasthan HC Grants 15 Days Parole To Life Con https://www.livelaw.in/news-updates/rajasthan-high-court-grants-parole-life-convict-conjugal-relationsh


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Having progeny for the purpose of preservation of lineage has been recognised through religious philosophies, the Indian culture and various judicial pronouncements, said the court.

The Rajasthan High Court has granted a 15-day parole to a convict currently serving a life sentence for murder on the grounds of want of progeny.


In its order, the court cited religious texts and observed that “for a married woman, completion of womanhood requires giving birth to a child”.


The double bench of Justices Sandeep Mehta and Farzand Ali passed the order on April 5 while hearing the petition of one Nand Lal, 34, a resident of Bhilwara district, who is presently lodged at the central jail, Ajmer, and is serving a life sentence awarded to him by the Additional District and Sessions Judge No 1, Bhilwara in February 2019 for murder.


“In December last year, we had approached the district collector, Ajmer, who is the chairman of the district parole committee. Our request was to grant Lal parole as his wife has not begotten any issue from their wedlock and thus, for want of progeny, she craves for 15 days’ emergent parole. But after no order was passed by the committee, we approached the High Court,” said K R Bhati, the counsel for the petitioner.

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