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Java Help - Range calculation


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Hello experts, I need to check if a particular range of numbers falls in a given range of numbers. For example I need to check if 10 to 20 falls in range of 1 to 100, the program should return "inRange" in this case, if the ranges are overlapping the program needs to indicated the same ex: 50 to 150 overlaps with 1 to 100 range.

Please help me to write this java program.

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int intiailValue=10,finalValue=50 or try some other value;

s.o.p("RESULT:"+intialvalue+"to"+(i-1)+"are in  the range and from "+i+"to "+finalValue+" are out of range");

sop("in range")

this is a small idea u can improvize it

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public class InRange {

public static void main(String args[]){

int min = 1;
int max = 100;

int checkMin = 10;
int checkMax = 20;

if((checkMin < min && checkMax < min) || (checkMin > max && checkMax > max)){
System.out.println("Out of Range");

if(checkMin < min && checkMax > min){
System.out.println("Overlapping range");
int overlap = checkMax - min;
System.out.println("Number of numbers overlapping "+overlap);
System.out.println("Overlapping range :" +min+ " - "+checkMax);

if(checkMin > min && checkMax < max){

if(checkMin > min && checkMax > max){
System.out.println("Overlapping range");

int overlap = max - checkMin;
System.out.println("Number of numbers overlapping "+overlap);
System.out.println("Overlapping range :" +checkMin+ " - "+max);

if(checkMin < min && checkMax > max){
System.out.println("Overlapping range");

int overlap = max - min;
System.out.println("Number of numbers overlapping "+overlap);
System.out.println("Overlapping range :" +min+ " - "+max);


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