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Hyderabad baga develop aaindi...


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While there are many Gay rights activists who have been shouting on top of their voice that their sexuality must be identified, there are times when straight people are subjected to such embarrassing situations and all this because they just tried to help.

It is being noticed in the Hyderabad city that there are few people who have been asking for lifts and if there is some good Samaritan who stops by to give the lift, these people get on and begin indulging in lewd acts. First the man who sits on bike would keep his hand on shoulder, then slowly around belly and then downs his hand somewhere else giving the signal that he is homosexual pimp. Many say that these are the homosexual pimps who have got bold lately.

This has been causing a great inconvenience to the two wheeler riders and in this process, those genuine members who really are desperate about a lift are also not getting it since the word has spread in Hyderabad and even they are being mistaken for homosexuals. Sad but true. In fact, in many cases late night rides on roads are certainly inviting homosexual-traps in Hyderabad.

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