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8 minutes ago, MDharmarajuMA said:

A killer was sentenced to death. Shown three rooms. The first room is on fire second guns with the killer in the and the third Tiger,
who had not eaten for three years. What should he choose?

The third room. Tiger that haven't eaten in three years are dead.

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8 minutes ago, MDharmarajuMA said:



If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, then what will happen?

Answer: Stone will get Wet and it will sink as well.

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1 minute ago, SonaParv_522 said:

A man ate 100 bananas in 5days.

each day eating 6 more than the previous day 

how many bananas did he eat on the first day?

8 or 0

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Just now, Desi_guy said:

 A cat has 3 children, Cat names their January, February and March. What is the name of the Cat?

already question adigadu.. answer cheppu...

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Just now, Desi_guy said:

 A cat has 3 children, Cat names their January, February and March. What is the name of the Cat?

%<>( Answer: WHAT is the name of the cat

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