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Midlife crisis


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39 minutes ago, Rushabhi said:

Early ga vachesindi anipisthondi. Feeling extremely sad since a few days šŸ˜Ÿ

main prob okkate untadi.. danni solve chesko.. if not nature given...Ā 

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38 minutes ago, Rushabhi said:

Early ga vachesindi anipisthondi. Feeling extremely sad since a few days šŸ˜Ÿ

Been there , its like an endless pit in stomach but remember one thing , nothing lasts forever , not the good times and certainly not the bad times , everything will have an end , if this is your rock bottom , think that you can only go up from here..

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4 hours ago, soodhilodaaram said:

when things dont go as planned, disappointment is common, some take it personally, something like "all bad things happen to me, i dont know how to handle even simple things, i am unlucky etc", this is common for everyone for few minutes or an hour to max, if these feelings stretch over an hour..they are not worth thinking. you are basically getting into cyclical thoughts, which are negative

this this.. every failure is gonna teach you a lesson, learn it record it and dont repeat it

best way is to start you day with gratitude.."think about all the good things that happened to you and how lucky you with what you have".. this will change your world in few days/weeks

sense of gratitude allows to secreting endorphins in brain that one gets during when someone does things that make them happy

you will have a total different outlook when happy than when sad

i tried a scientific way..pardon my lengthy writeup

worthful to read. got little more inspiration..

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4 hours ago, soodhilodaaram said:

when things dont go as planned, disappointment is common, some take it personally, something like "all bad things happen to me, i dont know how to handle even simple things, i am unlucky etc", this is common for everyone for few minutes or an hour to max, if these feelings stretch over an hour..they are not worth thinking. you are basically getting into cyclical thoughts, which are negative

this this.. every failure is gonna teach you a lesson, learn it record it and dont repeat it

best way is to start you day with gratitude.."think about all the good things that happened to you and how lucky you with what you have".. this will change your world in few days/weeks

sense of gratitude allows to secreting endorphins in brain that one gets during when someone does things that make them happy

you will have a total different outlook when happy than when sad

i tried a scientific way..pardon my lengthy writeup

and people gave you likes for this crap



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8 minutes ago, 9Krishna said:

worthful to read. got little more inspiration..

Its dull. pls read more and explore more. talk to more people. even those who disagree with you.

being sad and depressed is part of being human.

don't think only happy thoughts and become a useless zombie.

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4 hours ago, soodhilodaaram said:

when things dont go as planned, disappointment is common, some take it personally, something like "all bad things happen to me, i dont know how to handle even simple things, i am unlucky etc", this is common for everyone for few minutes or an hour to max, if these feelings stretch over an hour..they are not worth thinking. you are basically getting into cyclical thoughts, which are negative

this this.. every failure is gonna teach you a lesson, learn it record it and dont repeat it

best way is to start you day with gratitude.."think about all the good things that happened to you and how lucky you with what you have".. this will change your world in few days/weeks

sense of gratitude allows to secreting endorphins in brain that one gets during when someone does things that make them happy

you will have a total different outlook when happy than when sad

i tried a scientific way..pardon my lengthy writeup

first you stop reading self help books, and read actual books, about actual people or of things.

not of what could be.

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25 minutes ago, Ashtavakra said:

Its dull. pls read more and explore more. talk to more people. even those who disagree with you.

being sad and depressed is part of being human.

don't think only happy thoughts and become a useless zombie.

i just say "OK"braces_1

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46 minutes ago, Ashtavakra said:

Its dull. pls read more and explore more. talk to more people. even those who disagree with you.

being sad and depressed is part of being human.

don't think only happy thoughts and become a useless zombie.

Same to same @uttermostlane unde post, are you @uttermost

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2 hours ago, Ashtavakra said:

Its dull. pls read more and explore more. talk to more people. even those who disagree with you.

being sad and depressed is part of being human.

don't think only happy thoughts and become a useless zombie.

I don't think he meant that..BTW happy thoughts although forceful won't remain forever, so we gotta deal with sadness too. Self help books do help and boost morale up to an extent. Many are total junk too. Good onesĀ  give you a path to walk on and its up to you how to improvise on that path. At the end of the day all that matters is are you happy and at peace, gratitude has a major role to play in achieving it.

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