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Secrets to avoid getting mugged


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39 minutes ago, Puding said:

veteran thief aa..

His prior profession

39 minutes ago, Puding said:

ante endi retire aipoyada

Retiring in the prison

40 minutes ago, Puding said:

pension istara🤣

Gets maintained by our tax monies

(funny video title, though)

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6 hours ago, MobileMusic said:

1. Pay attention to people around you and keep a safe distance. If someone asks you for the time, don't look down at your watch because the mugger will use that time to draw their weapon.

2. Scream and alert onlookers

3. Carry mace and hold it in your hand

4. Stay in crowded areas or around people when in a public area

5. Look around when you exit your car in the driveway

6. Don't fight back unless you really have to. Muggers will keep fighting until you are knocked out because they have no remorse.

7. Friday is when more people get mugged because it is pay day (it is also when people get pink slips so there is time to cool down over the weekend if the disgruntled employee thinks about retaliation or a shoot out).

Hear that guys? Don’t be a Hero - scream like a GIRL or run - it could save your life!! 🙂

(In America, you cannot try to be a hypocritical Bollywood Hero - anyone could be having a GUN!)

The greatest deterrent is to be physically fit. If you feel like you can handle yourself, you'll look like you can handle yourself, and a mugger will try for easier prey. If it does get physical with you, immediately kick its balls in rapid succession until they're in its esophagus, and as it begs for mercy, continue trampling its pudenda until it can no longer breed. You will then be the aggressor, and the mugger will be the victim. Using deadly force is good at times.

Walk confidently with your chin up like you know the place and not a stranger. A steady and strong gait is not an easy prey. Muggers look to finish the job and flee in about 30-50 seconds - tops. A big, chubby person is not an easy target for them.

Just look poor - which is easy for someone who is actually poor.

Stay away from low-income, down-trodden, rough areas.

Keep walking - do not stop even if you are interrupted.

just look poor ah 

aythe nen safe le

  • Haha 1
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