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Why we keep diaries


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Why do some people keep diaries? Why do we jot down everything that happens in our life? Is it introspection or just plain obsession to record everything so that nothing leaves your head?

Be cautious around a girl who keeps a diary, they say. They tend to record everything mentally and then jot it down. Don’t we all know that the worst of them all is someone who can remember everything that happens around them? Sometimes, it’s good to not have a memory. But sometimes, you can read back and think- What in god’s name was I doing?

Writing diaries isn’t anything new. History has been recorded because people have taken time out to write things down. Anne Frank’s life didn’t come out to the light by chance. They had been recorded and hence, we know of her now. Or you never know, she would’ve been one of those tiny important people who disappeared into the books of history. Writing diaries is not as easy as you think. It takes time and effort and a lot of patience to sit and record things. It comes easily to some and for others it doesn’t. Usually the people who don’t have the patience to write something down will not maintain a diary. And the ones who can, record everything under the sun!!

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